Clojure Berlin Januar(y) 2018

Tonight’s Clojure Berlin meetup was a lovely vector of lightning talks. Thanks go to Paulus @pesterhazy and Martin @martinklepsch for organizing, AcroLinx for hosting, and all the speakers for sharing their projects! Apologies—I didn’t catch all the speakers’ internet handles.

Please feel free to share slides or links to repositories here. :slight_smile:

One follow-up discussion that several folks (including myself) would like to see continue from the meetup is folks’ experiences with Clojure testing libraries. Does clojure.test satisfy you? Or do you reach for an opinionated, all-encompassing framework like Midje, which Phillip gave a talk about contributing to? Or, as fellow speaker Dimitry suggested, do you reach for iota or expect-call? Interested Clojurists want to hear why you picked your tools.

:clojure: :clojure: :clojure:


For testing I’ve always wanted to give expectations a more serious try.

For people interested in the docs service discussion there are two links which may be of interest:

I currently have a 100LOC boot script which can generate documentation for arbitrary project/version combinations based on a combination of jars (from Clojars) and a projects Github repo.

I think for an proof-of-concept I’ll aim for something based on Codox, supporting multiple versions and codox style guides.

EDIT here are my slides: martinklepsch-clojure-docs-talk.pdf (276.7 KB)

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Here’s a link to moth if you’re curious:

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And here’s a link to Status Open Bounty if anyone is interested
As Paulus mentionned most clojurescript bounties are filled pretty quickly

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Hey folks! Was cool to hear several peoples opinions on testing at the meetup.

Here is a link to the for-all Midje generative testing feature I presented, and for the curious, the PR that implemented it.

Regarding my experience/opinions with Clojure testing frameworks: for the year I’ve been using Clojure, I’ve used Midje almost exclusively, so views may be a bit limited…

My organization has, with pretty good results, built a lot of tooling on top of Midje: a framework for single-service integration tests, a framework for end-to-end integration tests, and a handful of checkers for nested data-structures (we are in the process of open-sourcing these :slight_smile:).

Midje is fairly complex in what it offers and grew organically. You are given a lot of power to write expressive tests without need for additional instrumentation. But I’ve also seen plenty of engineers shooting themselves in the feet with it (including myself, a lot), and of course encountered a handful of implementation bugs.

Over my time using and contributing to Midje I’ve slowly found myself wanting something that lies between the simplicity of clojure.test and the expressive power of Midje.

I ended up creating this google spreadsheet that compares the two testing frameworks. The link has comment permissions but it would be cool to see other frameworks added to it.

My hopes are to one day take a crack at building something that lies in the sweet-spot between the two frameworks :slight_smile: but it is also entirely possible that this already exists and I’m just not familiar with it.



Here is the GH repo for queue-by:
