NLP in Clojure - Session 2 - summary & recording: Clojure, Python, DVC, Metamorph

On Oct. 30th, 2022, we had our second study session about NLP in Clojure.


This time, the session focused on building NLP machine learning pipelines involving Clojure & Python, their libpython-clj bridge, and simpletransformers, using DVC.

Towards the end, we also learned about the relationship with Metamorph. saw some work-in-progress additions to, combining its grid-search algorithms with DVC.

@Carsten_Behring, who is author of Metamorph and the platform, presented most of the session.
@jcpsantiago, who is involved in the DVC community and is the author of the dvthis R utility for DVC, supported the session with an intro to DVC.

See Carsten Behring’s blog post and code.


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