Visual-tools meeting 6 -- summary & video

On May 6th we had the 6th meeting of the visual-tools group, a group for collaborations across different Clojure projects for literate programming and data visualization.

This was a monthly meeting, with various updates on ongoing projects.


(also see the Zulip topic thread for the continued discussion)

  • @mauricioszabo presented Saturn, a work-in-progress attempt to build a hackable&modular editor inspired by Atom, consisting of plugins.

  • Awb99 offered a conceptual framework for reasoning about various visual tools, based on his ongoing experience with Pink-Gorilla, Goldly, etc.

  • @daslu shared a brief explanation of what Clay is, and a few updates: Scittle-based rendering, relying on tap>, interactive client-server widgets.

  • @Christopher_Small shared an update about the path towards Oz 2.0 (which is worth trying already): making it more modular, thinking in terms of a build system (over blocks of code in a namespace), learning from experiences at work (bioinformatics), parallelizing, dependency tracking across blocks of code.

  • @kiramclean introduced the new project of building a community-driven cookbook of examples.

  • Awb99 updated about the Pink-Gorilla approach towards example snippets.

  • Then we went back to brainstorm the cookbook idea.

  • @Christopher_Small and @kiramclean discussed the open issue by @Carsten_Behring of bringing EDN to the Vega website.

  • Awb99 and @Christopher_Small discussed possibly extracting the data pipeline parts out of Oz as a standalone library.

  • @ethanmiller presented the idea of sharing examples in a Mybinder-like tool for sharing runnable examples.

  • @Christopher_Small suggested the use of using Docker containers for such needs, and we discussed the tradeoffs around that.

Hopes for the coming month (potential meetings)

  • brainstorming @kiramclean’s new cookbook project.
  • a dive in talk of @mauricioszabo about Saturn
  • possibly some study session


Next meetings

The next time we meet will be announced soon. We are considering a few options for sessions during the month.

Will you join us?

Please reach out if you are interested in this group.
It is recommended to follow the #visual-tools Zulip stream and the Slack channel of the same name.

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