What is the difference between using core.async channels in threads versus go-threads?

I just read through this:


But I did not understand this sentence:

“Because these are blocking calls, if we try to put on an unbuffered channel, we will block the main thread.”

I think this makes the assumption that the channel was created on the main thread? If I create the channel in a thread would its use still block the main thread? If so, how?

Let me ask a different question now. This is more of a style question, or perhaps a question about architecture. The next part of the tutorial describes how we might use a core.async/thread, to do some work in a separate thread and then return a channel with the result. But when would we want to return a channel, instead of returning the result? The tutorial says:

"We can use thread (like future) to execute a body in a pool thread and return a channel with the result. Here we launch a background task to put “hello” on a channel, then read that value in the current thread.

(let [c (a/chan)]
  (a/thread (>!! c "hello"))
  (assert (= "hello" (<!! c)))
  (a/close! c))

I’m trying to imagine the situation where I would want to do this? Why couldn’t I just use a Future? Is the idea that I would combine this with (a/alts!) ?

I also read this:

“The go macro asynchronously executes its body in a special pool of threads. Channel operations that would block will pause execution instead, blocking no threads. This mechanism encapsulates the inversion of control that is external in event/callback systems.”

I’m not sure I fully understand the implication. Is this a simple win, in that I can use go blocks and have activity that never blocks? But if the advantage is that simple, then why would we ever use threads? Is there a tradeoff that I need to consider? Because, otherwise, we could treat go blocks as a complete replacement for most uses of threads. Is that a reasonable conclusion to make?

A final question about (a/alts!). In what situations would you use alts!! in a regular thread? Why not always use alts! in a go block? I can imagine using alts!! on the main thread, and I’m wondering if that the most common use of it?

Finally, a completely different question, I once used Zach Tellman’s library, Manifold, on a small project:

core.async has a different style, but seems to enable the same kind of workflow, in that put! and take! to a stream has the same workflow as putting and taking to a channel. Does anyone know of a situation where I would definitely prefer Manifold over core.async?

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I think this makes the assumption that the channel was created on the main thread? If I create the channel in a thread would its use still block the main thread? If so, how?

Channel creation shouldn’t matter, it’s the coordination part (and the unbuffered-ness) that apply here. You can create channels anywhere and threads can access them as needed. The problem occurs when any thread tries to perform a blocking put or take on the channel, particularly if the channel is unbuffered.

per the docs for >!! if you try to execute a blocking put onto an open unbuffered channel and there is no space, the operation will block. " By default channels are unbuffered (0-length) - they require producer and consumer to rendezvous for the transfer of a value through the channel."

Say you are in the REPL and decide to test this out. The REPL thread you are interacting with could try to eval a blocking put >!! on an unbuffered channel. It would then block the thread to wait for a consumer to pull a value off the channel.

user=> (require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
user=> (async/>!! (async/chan) :a)
;;thread blocks forever and repl is frozen waiting for result....
;restarted repl
user=> (let [c @(future (async/chan))] (async/>!! c :hello))
;;thread blocks forever and repl is frozen waiting for result....

We can satisfy the producer/consumer rendezvous for unbuffered channels with another thread that is doing a blocking take waiting for the channel to provide a value:

user=> (let [c (async/chan)] (future (async/>!! c :hello)) (async/<!! c))
user=> (let [c (async/chan)] (async/thread (async/>!! c :hello)) (async/<!! c))

That is the context for the unbuffered channel comment w.r.t. blocking the main thread (whatever thread is initiating the blocking put).

Is this a simple win, in that I can use go blocks and have activity that never blocks? But if the advantage is that simple, then why would we ever use threads? Is there a tradeoff that I need to consider? Because, otherwise, we could treat go blocks as a complete replacement for most uses of threads. Is that a reasonable conclusion to make?

go blocks will transform (via macro / compiler magic), your puts and takes on channels into “parked” light weight threads implemented as state machines. The idea is that these are just pending tasks sitting in a queue that are awoken periodically and multiplexed over a shared thread pool (initiated/managed by the core.async runtime) that makes progress based on changes (the flow of data to and from channels). So you can have virtual threads that park instead of actual threads that block, the upside being that virtual threads are cheap and present a concurrency model that blurs the distinction between “real” and “virtual” threads.

The catch is, if you actually inject blocking calls anywhere in these lightweight threads (or initiate a long-running computational process that hogs a core.async executor thread), you can consume part of the core.async threadpool that is trying to make progress on all the parked lightweight threads. If you stall all the threads in the threadpool that are supposed to be processing parked tasks, then the system can’t make progress and core.async locks up (in the background). I did this a couple of times accidentally on my early forays into learning core.async…

So this is probably a no-no and I am betting that when a thread from the threadpool picks up this statemachine and tries to run it, the thread will be stuck in the same problem we had above. Except this time, that thread will be unable to continue working to process other parked lightweight threads. We get a channel back, but that core.async system thread is probably blocked until somebody pushes a value to c, which in this case is impossible since c only exists inside the let…

user=> (let [c (async/chan)] (async/go (async/>!! c :hello)))
#object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel 0x3f04fb07 "clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel@3f04fb07"]

The core.async analyzer will helpfully point out if you are using a non-blocking put or take >!, <! outside of a go body, but as we see the blocking puts/takes are allowed.

So naturally there are times you want to fork off a dedicated thread to do work with blocking calls that can participate in the core.async ecosystem (e.g. blocking puts and takes on channels, which may communicate with other core.async processes), without tying up the threadpool the executor is using to process non-blocking tasks. thread provides that mechanism and yields a channel that interfaces with the rest of the core.async design.

But when would we want to return a channel, instead of returning the result?

Any time we want to use the CSP semantics of the channel in our processing. The channel represents a potential value we can access with blocking or non-blocking. We could then weave the result of the blocking thread result with other blocking threads, or parked virtual threads could depend on that channel just as well. You could similarly create a channel, use future to do some work and push a value (or values) with blocking puts onto that channel, and then publish the channel to other parts of the system. thread wraps this all up and simplifies the API.

In what situations would you use alts!! in a regular thread?

I have used it in some rendering when I wanted some timeout with a blocking input or process (I can imagine modal dialogues). IIRC I was primarily using it for interactive stuff from the repl though. The one definite use case was a small process management system where you could have named core.async processes (either virtual or real threads) working in the background, along with an api for starting/stopping/resetting them. I used the poison-pill strategy for having a poison channel for the process which would either be picked up inside a process’s logic by alts! or alts!!. So the caller could interact with otherwise invisible core.async processes.

Doing interactive rendering using a custom piccolo2d wrapper, core.async threads to handle the rendering / node updating and computational junk, with some virtual threads where it made sense, using channels to provide the comms. I have no idea how much alts!! exists in the wild though.