is part of the spec for async/await
so every engine is doing it that way.
Sure you can use koa
with ClojureScript. There is no magic involved.
(ns demo.server
(:require ["koa" :as koa]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defonce app-ref (atom nil))
(defn handler [ctx next]
(set! (. ctx -body) "hello world")
(defn delay-by-two-seconds [ctx next]
(-> (js/Promise.
(fn [resolve reject]
(js/setTimeout resolve 2000)))
(.then next)))
(defn upcase-async [ctx next]
(-> (next)
(fn []
(set! (. ctx -body) (str/upper-case (. ctx -body)))
(defn main []
(let [app (koa.)]
(reset! app-ref app)
(doto app
(.use delay-by-two-seconds)
(.use handler)
(.use upcase-async)
(.listen 3000))))
At least thats what I can gather from glancing over the docs. It is all built on top of the usual “middleware” stack. So each “use” is supposed to call “next” while making any adjustments to “ctx” it wants (mutable object). It is build on top of Promise.resolve
so a handler may either return a Promise
or any other value.
You can hook this up with core.async
by using a little utility that created a Promise
that resolves once a go
block finishes.
I might be wrong, I literally looked at the docs for 30 seconds. It is just based on Promise
nothing else. async/await
is just syntax sugar for that and not required at all.