that seams very interesting to me too!
also, as i read this, two more things came to mind, perhaps worth pointing out. perhaps not…
number one:
the other one is this book i have recently read: “Über Leben” by mr. reinhold messner. now, this book, it has still been written ( just a few years ago ) using pen and paper, and, tbh, i found it to be a very interesting read! also, perhaps one topic, that he deals with in this book, worth mentioning ( …also and still thinking about Please avoid recycling the "considered harmful" trope - #17 by mars0i … ) are the experiences that he has made with morality over the course of his long and eventful life in general and as it was, and still is, being (mis?)used in the context of the following in particular:
p.s. …perhaps i should be more explicit about the point i am trying to make here… so, seams to me that with programming / problem solving there are three main success factors at play: the problem, the problem solving tools, the people working on the problem using those tools. okay. now, it seams to me, that all too often too much emphasis is put on the relevance of the tool factor. for example editors, agile methods etc. etc. all those things have their place and importance, to be sure, but all in all, i would think that, compared to other factors, these things are of somewhat lesser consequence. ( …i sometimes can’t help thinking, that what makes them so attractive to those in charge is that they can be changed with relative ease and then be presented as huge innovations / improvements… but… on that point i could be totally wrong… it is just something that has crossed my mind on occasion, not something i would be prepared to take a strong stands on. )