From Twitter: how do we sell Clojure?

I believe the brightest path forward is community based CLJS distribution/community, called something like “CLJS Stack” that breaks(not a fork and still use clojurescript) from the core clojure team and focuses on the javascript community. I would minimizes/hide the jvm as much as possible and operate with a community culture like that of the rust, reasonml or elm communities. It could include

  • node based cli called cljs where startup time is important (lein/boot need to go)
  • ‎shadow-cljs is the compiler
  • ‎cljs libs deployed to npm or somewhere js friendly.
  • ‎common way of running unit tests in browser and in node.
  • ‎vscode primary editor (emacs needs to be discouraged)
  • ‎debugging with chrome devtools
  •, (api docs cljs only) (task based cljs only)
  • forum for cljs questions (no jvm clojure stuff) so we don’t confuse users
  • workflow to handle css/design assets (for designers)
  • community managed & supported libs for primary/common needs
  • ‎guidance for common app types (cli/jsapp/api/serverless/etc)
  • easy way to support financially (patreon or open collective)