I really like these (originally used them in F# quite a bit to define sequences and even computation expressions (monads), as well as python stuff). Curious what the limitations there are - in the naive implementation for generator
, there is at least a consistent dynamic var deref that has to occur (that could likely be optimized out though, I think this is for demonstrative purposes). So naive performance appears impacted, likely only in this implementation:
(defn my-repeat [x]
(loop []
(yield x)
cloro.core> (time (dotimes [i 1] (last (take 1000000 (my-repeat :a)))))
"Elapsed time: 681.395 msecs"
;;naive pure lazy seq
(defn repeat-l [x]
(cons x (repeat-l x))))
cloro.core> (time (dotimes [i 1] (last (take 1000000 (repeat-l :a)))))
"Elapsed time: 156.2908 msecs"
cloro.core> (time (dotimes [i 1] (last (take 1000000 (repeat :a)))))
"Elapsed time: 89.4764 msecs"
I assume one value prospect would be consistent costs with lazy sequences, while allowing imperative definition of the sequence, or even better performance (e.g. defining a generator that returns something iterable/reducible that can provide an efficient baseline for other stuff like transduce). Definitely a cool tool (I need some time to go through implementation though, hah).