Scicloj ml-study 16: high-performance array processing with dtype-next

This weekend at the Scicloj ml-study group we will have basic learning sessions about the dtype-next library for high-performance array-processing by @cnuernber.

Session times:

The 3 sessions will be self-contained, independent, and probably overlapping in content.
As usual, we will record the sessions but share the recording only here, for the friends who miss the session.

For more information, please follow the ml-study stream at the Clojurians Zulip chat.

You may find more information about the Scicloj study groups in this thread.

Please write to me about the sessions you are planning to attend, or if you have any question or problem.


One thing we hope to do in the study sessions this weekend (see info above :point_up: ) is practicing basic image manipulation with dtype-next.
@ethanmiller found this nice Numpy tutorial:

and we will use it for inspiration.

A little taste of our sessions this weekend:
(just chaotic notes, that we tried at some part of the session).

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