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Language documentation (i.e. clojure.core) is integrated with Dash.

For most other stuff I end up looking at these in order:

  1. Project’s README
  2. API documentation site provided by the library authors (often Codox)
  3. or it’s source on Github.

I find a good Readme or “Quickstart” document of sorts very important to get starting and that certainly is a big factor in deciding whether I will use or not use a library. A good Readme for me means:

  • It describes why the library was created (aka Rationale) this may include comparisons to existing libraries
  • It lists features that the library provides & has usage examples for the most commonly used ones

Once I have reached some level of comfort with a library API documentation becomes more important. Reading the source of a library can replace API documentation to some degree but I think the effort required is higher compared to browsing an API documentation page as generated by Codox.

As already discussed in other threads I believe a central documentation website in the style of that combines documentation articles and API docs could provide a lot of value to the Clojure community.