Clojure(script) is my first programming language and Browder is my first useful project. It’s a feed reader that runs in the Browser. It’s not perfect but I am quite happy that it works at all
I only tested it on my (ancient) phone and notebook. Performance seems ok …
Many thanks to the Clojure community for all the efforts, the libs and blog posts that made it simple (not easy!) to get started.
and check out that link… i have actually had a hard time believing… since… well… THIS IS FAR TOO GOOD!!!.. also… i think picking up clojure is no easy undertaking… in fact i’d say doing so is super hard for experienced programmers and downright impossible for beginners… ( personally i have been doing clj for a while now… and i am still struggling with it… like all of the time!!! )
in any case… always the skeptic i clicked around the web a bit… you know… investigating … and so i found ( among other cool stuff you did ) this: which i think is also dope!
bottom line… i guess i just wanted to compliment you not only on “your first useful project” but also on your entire learning path / progress! ( SUPER IMPRESSIVE!!! )… also… seeing someone push themselves this hard… conquering ever greater heights… well… i find that to be very inspiring and also motivating… and so… and with that… i guess not only do i want to say to you chapeau!!! but also thank you!
Oh wow, thank you for your kind words
Haikueditor really was “easy”. The real work is done by a JS Lib. I just made some components.
I studied Physics for a while. I don’t remember much but the way of thinking and how to solve problems stuck somehow. It also taught me to fear complexity.
I also believe that being a photojournalist helped a lot with being open minded, look for the unexpected and deal with frustration.