Calva v2.0.158 just out. The latest thing added is a setting which can hide the REPL UI elements, making it less confusing to use Calva together with, say, Clover. Check the docs for details:
Lots of work and care have been put on Calva’s static services. And since we added clojure-lsp Calva users now benefit from all the work put into that as well. We of course hope that you will also want to use the REPL client included, but for some tasks it won’t let you connect to the REPL server you need to, and then this static only option could come in handy.
Speaking about clojure-lsp. It was added some few days after Christmas, and both Calva’s support for it and the LSP server itself has improved A LOT since then. So if you haven’t used in a while, I suggest you do so again now. You’ll find that some non-clojure-lsp things have happened as well. Here’s a the changelog items since we added clojure-lsp support:
- Add setting to use only static parts of Calva
- Fix: Load file command not loading changes since last file save on Windows
- Update clojure-lsp to 2021.02.02-14.02.23
- Add command for copying jack-in command to clipboard
- Change default shortcuts for Paredit forward/backward sexp, expand/shrink selection, and for slurping and barfing
- Add Custom Commands variables for current form and more
- Fix: Jack-in fails to launch deps.edn projects for some Windows users
- Fix: Debug instrumentation decoration not working correctly anymore on Windows
- Fix: Debugger decorations issues
- Make command palette show alt+enter shortcut variant instead of enter for evaluating top level form
- Update clojure-lsp to 2021.01.28-03.03.16
- Fix: nrepl port detection race condition
- Fix: Calva uses ; for comments instead of ;;
- Update cider-nrepl to 0.25.8
- Update clojure-lsp to 2021.01.26-22.35.27
- Use status bar message instead of withProgress message for clojure-lsp initialization
- Update cider-nrepl: 0.25.6 -> 0.25.7
- Fix: “Extract function” refactoring doesn’t work as expected with selections
- Fix: Jack-In env with non-string variables fails
- Use clojure-lsp for usages for debug instrumentation decorations, and stop injecting clj-kondo at jack-in
- Fix: Debugger is broken on Windows
- Stop bundling clj-kondo in favor of using it through clojure-lsp
- Fix: calva.jackInEnv does not resolve
- Update clojure-lsp to version 2021.01.12-02.18.26. Fix: clojure-lsp processes left running/orphaned if VS Code is closed while the lsp server is starting
- Update clojure-lsp to version 2021.01.07-20.02.02
- Fix: Dimming ignored forms does not work correctly with metadata
- Improve clojure-lsp jar integration
- Update clojure-lsp to version 2021.01.07-12.28.44
- Fix: Slurp forward sometimes joins forms to one
- Fix: clojure-lsp processes left running/orphaned if VS Code is closed while the lsp server is starting
- Fix: go to definition jumps to inc instead of inc’
- Fix: Error when start a REPL with jdk15
- Add command for opening the file for the output/repl window namespace
- Add setting for auto opening the repl window on Jack-in/Connect
- Add setting for auto opening the Jack-in Terminal
- Replace opening Calva says on start w/ info message box
- Add command for opening Calva documentation
- Change default keyboard shortcut for syncing the repl window ns to
ctrl+alt+c n
- Reactivate definitions/navigation in core and library files
- Make load-file available in the output window
- Make the ns in the repl prompt a peekable symbol
- Update clojure-lsp to include jar dependency navigation fix for Windows
- Fix: clojure-lsp refactorings not working on Windows
- Remove default key binding for toggling Calva key bindings
- Make Jack-in dependency versions configurable (and bump 'em all with default settings)
- Use Pseudo Terminal instead of Task for Jack-in
- Prefer cider-nrepl symbol definitions over clojure-lsp
- Enable clojure-lsp completion items when no nrepl connection
- Bring in refactorings we get access to via clojure-lsp
- Add ”clojure-lsp starting” progress indicator
- Fix step into local dep with debugger
Happy Clojure coding!