Clojure job at Apple?

I think this is interesting :slight_smile:


Always curious how many Clojure programmers working in large corporations.

I sell Cursive - there are more large corps than you think using it, but most of them don’t want me identifying them as clients (they often request EULA modifications stipulating that). But I’ve sold 100+ licences to more than one company.


Why they don’t shout out and get more people to learn Clojure? Isn’t it better if we get more people out there they can hire?

I think investment banks often have policies against revealing which
technologies they use. Apple is famously pretty secretive too, not sure
if that applies here though.


Do you think that this will ever change? @jiyinyiyong is definitely correct in that a top tech company coming out and saying they support clojure would really help the community

I think this is a long standing issue: Clojure has seen a lot of adoption in big enterprise level corporations, the ones that are already doing lots of Java and Scala and “xml” and “beans” and “enterprise bus architectures” :stuck_out_tongue: . These tend to be somewhat closed about their technological stack, either deliberate because of security and competitive considerations, or because the people just get the job done and go home.

Compare this with JS/Ruby/Python, which dominate the smaller startups. These people tend to identify more with their technologies, they also tend to be more active in the open source communities, and they use their stack as a way of seeming appealing to potential hires. All reasons to be more vocal about your tech choices.

At least that’s my theory :slight_smile: I don’t have any hard science to back this up, but I really believe this is why Clojure usage is bigger than is generally being reported.


I work at one of the big tech, and we do use Clojure, but appart from devs, no one really cares we do. What matters is quick delivery of working software that can scale with business needs. If you can convince the devs on your team, any language can be used. The downside is that big tech companies have strict open source restrictions, so I can’t contribute back to Clojure, and strict policies on social media, so I can’t really speak about our use of it either.

Also, big techs rarely contribute to open source. It would be better to have more small and medium sized support I think. As those tend to team up with open source to develop the ecosystem, in a win/win scenario. Big techs are big enough to develop all kind of internal tooling and libs, without needing to share it back.


Yes. I come up with the same situation before. used Clojure for some projects in big corp but cannot disclosure any information about it.