I’m bumping this since there’s been a lot of interesting episodes since this thread was created. Check out https://clojurescriptpodcast.com/ to preview them on-line, or search for “Clojurescript Podcast” on your podcast reader. Here’s what I’ve gotten out of the episodes:
First, David Nodel motivates why we should consider ClojureScript. Why should we target the browser? And what does that look like?
- Episode 1: Why ClojureScript with David Nolen.
Then Russ Olsen gives a thorough introduction to Clojure, the language. A fine introduction to Clojure if you’re coming to Clojure from JavaScript, for instance.
- Episode 2: Data with Russ Olsen, author of Getting Clojure: What does it mean to do data-driven programming? What are the ways to model data with Clojure?
- Episode 3: Code with Russ Olsen, author of Getting Clojure: How do we write and run functions? What is a namespace, and how do we use them?
- Episode 4: State with Russ Olsen, author of Getting Clojure: How do we handle mutable state with Clojure?
As a ClojureScript programmer, you’re going to be using the ClojureScript compiler – which you might want to spend some effort understanding. Mike Fikes is a core contributor to the ClojureScript compiler, and gives a good overview.
- Episode 5: ClojureScript compiler with Mike Fikes
If you’ve tried to use javascript packages from ClojureScript, you’ve probably heard the Google Closure compiler mentioned. Bradford Smith is a core Google Closure contributor, and gives a view from the other side of the fence!
- Episode 6: Google Closure Compiler with Bradford Smith
Thanks for the high-quality content, @jacekschae! Also want to mentioned that I got your Learn Re-frame course, which I’ve been really happy with. You go through the material thourougly, which was just what I needed. I’ve been fiddling with Figwheel and browser REPLs for some time myself, and your course really helped provide context and give a structured, practical entry into the ClojureScript ecosystem.