This is quick (10 min) draft exploring the idea of storing code (what we usually store in files) in a database. Datalevin is a good fit because it natively stores EDN.
Why is this interesting?
- Datalevin could be the backing store for an IDE
- code analysis: functions bodies can be inspected for their dependencies (this could leverage clojure.spec) and hashed. Any time the spec/hash for a function body changes one can immediately run a figure out which other functions might now be broken / behave differently
- using
change in data can trigger a query and execution of functions depending on that data – a reactive runtime. - ship it! Datalevin compiles to native using GraalVM. This can act as a fast, standalone backend for spreadsheet-like (relationship-heavy) apps.
(require '[datalevin.core :as d])
(require '[sci.core :as sci])
(def code-schema
{:var {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
:db/valueType :db.type/symbol}})
(def code-conn (d/create-conn "data/datalevin/code-db" code-schema))
;; FIXME these functions could be defined and transacted by a defn-like macro
(def foo-fn
{:var `foo
:body '(fn [a]
["I'm foo and here's my arg: " a])})
(def bar-fn
{:var `bar
:body '(fn [] (conj ["I'm bar and I invoke foo: "] (invoke-fn `foo :arg-from-bar)))})
(defn transact-code! [txs]
(d/transact! code-conn txs))
(transact-code! [foo-fn bar-fn])
(defn get-fn [var]
(d/entity @code-conn [:var var]))
(defn invoke-fn [var & args]
(when-let [{:keys [body]} (get-fn var)]
(sci/init {:bindings {'invoke-fn invoke-fn}})
`(~body ~@args))))
(invoke-fn `bar)
;; => ["I'm bar and I invoke foo: " ["I'm foo and here's my arg: " :arg-from-bar]]