Demystifying shadow-cljs nREPL connect

As editor plugins such as Calva and CIDER can add some layers of magic between the user and what’s going on with a Clojure/ClojureScript project, it can be healthy to demystify it some. One way is to perform the dance that the editors are conducting yourself. Manually at the terminal.

Here’s a project and a README to do this:

It’s a good exercise to have done when Calva Jack-in acts up on you and you try to figure out how to get it working. A good companion to the Calva Jack-in Academy, if you like :grinning::


Pretty interesting. I am glad this material exists. I had multiple problems with Emacs, Cider, shadow-cljs… Partially, because I was lost on what was really going on. It was even hard to diagnose where was the problem coming from.

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Thanks for this feedback! Yesterday I recorded a video together with Daniel Amber (OnTheCodeAgain on YouTube) where we elaborate a bit around this whole thing. I’ll post a link here when it’s published.

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