Domain Driven Design (DDD) in Clojure, an example implementation

An example implementation of Domain Driven Design in Clojure with lots of information about DDD and its concepts and how it’s implemented in Clojure along the way:

It implements a small banking application in the style of DDD that lets users transfer money between accounts.


@didibus, a couple of questions:

  • In the example, do you have a schema or a relational modal of some sort?
  • what are some of the backing stores that the ddd example intends to target?

The domain logic is modeled hierarchically, with entities, value objects and aggregate roots all being maps.

The datastore in my example I modeled relationally, so I imagined someone would use a SQL database. You can see it here: clj-ddd-example/src/clj_ddd_example/repository.clj at e99aa7b7013529e669ce06d400765ddd10b7214f · didibus/clj-ddd-example · GitHub

I’m pretending that you’d have two tables:

account-table with columns: account-number, account-balance-value, account-balance-currency


transfer-table with columns: transfer-id, transfer-number, debited-account-number, credited-account-number, transfered-amount-value, transfered-amount-currency, creation-date

So like I said, it would be that the database is a SQL database, say MySQL. In DDD, you often also apply CQRS, or a simplified form, basically your reads and writes are seperated.

In a simple form, you have one SQL database with the above two tables I mentioned. The repository gets an account from the account table, and it commits a transfer by updating the account table and inserting to the transfer table.

You’ll see that I recently updated my example to show a more realistic design that handles the concurrent transfers better.

If your database is MySQL, the way I have it now in the application code is using eventual consistency. When you get an account, it could read a stale balance from it, because the transfers are not synchronized. But the domain model for debiting and crediting an account returns an event that describes the change, and not the new state of the account.

That means that the application service when it receives that event back from the domain model, it uses the repository to commit the change, at that point the repository takes care of atomically applying the change to both accounts and inserting the transfer.

This is eventually consistent, but can during the “inconsistency window” allow some debits below 0$, resulting in possible negative balances for some users.

We assume the domain is fine with that, by say supporting overdraft fees for example.

Now if using only a MySQL database, you could also simply in the application service wrap the whole thing in a transaction and take a FOR-UPDATE lock on the account rows when you get the accounts, and commit the transaction in the commit transfer at the end. This would be strongly consistent, and use a pessimistic locking strategy. The MySQL transaction handles that using two phase commit.

If you did this, you don’t need to model domain model changes as change events. You can just have the domain like on my prior example return the new state of the entites and aggregates, and the repository just overwrites the existing state with the new state. That is a simpler design in general, and it is well suited for supporting user frontend, because it is strongly consistent the user doesn’t see what can appear as weird glitches as the data becomes eventually consistent.

You could also choose a strongly consistent, but optimistic locking approach. This would make more sense if you use a NoSQL database like say DynamoDB, which don’t always support locks across documents.

In that scheme, you’d get accounts but the accounts would have a version number along with it. You’d make the changes, and when you commit the transfer in the repository, it will perform an atomic “compare-and-set”, which basically goes, update unless version is newer than what we read. When that happens, you’d retry the entire application service logic, back from the get accounts calls, you’d do this until you finally succeed.

Here too, you wouldn’t need to model domain changes as change events, and it is sufficient to simply have domain changes return the new state of the entity/aggregate. The difference is depending on your concurency patterns it could avoid unnecessary locks and be faster, but if you have a high concurency it could actually be slower as well.

There’s another option for strongly consistent, you can take a distributed lock outside your database, which locks the application service command itself. If your running in a single instance, you’d just wrap the whole application service in a (locking ...), but in a mutli-instance setup you’d need a distributed variant. You can be smart here and lock on the account-numbers so it’s only per-account locks.

Finally, the eventually consistent approach I have now in the example is also a great fit for Kafka or other distributed streams like AWS Kinesis. You can still have MySQL as your source of truth persistent database, but you’d front it with Kafka. The change events wouldn’t get immediately committed by the application service as it gets them from the repository, instead the application service would publish the events to Kafka. And a separate consumer on Kafka would handle the messages by commiting them to your MySQL database.

You can on top of that solution implement a distributed lock like I said for cases where you’d want strong consistency, though it kinda defeats the purpose a bit in my opinion, in that this approach is good for scaling out your writes, because the caller isn’t blocked waiting for the writes, they are made async and buffered in Kafka.

There might be more, I guess the point is that really it works with many different approaches. Since your domain model and services are all pure, you can adapt around it to have the state stored wherever and however you want. That doesn’t mean you can easily swap one storage for another, because your application service is still very coupled to the details of your repository which is coupled to which storage solution it is designed on. And even your domain model is slightly coupled in at least choosing if it needs to return change events or new states and possibly for optimistic locking it might have to have versions as fields on the entities as well, though that could possibly be handled as metadata it in the application service itself.

One more thing, like I said, DDD seperates reads from writes. So this domain model isn’t meant for queries and read-only use cases. It is meant for updates or insert use cases.

For queries and read-only use cases, my example doesn’t show it, maybe I’ll add it later to be more complete. But basically you’d have something called a Finder, and that would just run queries on your database however best works with your database, and it can return the query results in whatever view structure best works for your query use case, it wouldn’t returns things in the structure defined by the domain model. So this Finder can be a graphQL based API, or it could just have a bunch of functions for various queries like: (find-transfers-over 200 :usd).

In this design, your queries can run on the same database as your writes, but they don’t have too. You can replicate your data in other datastores best suited for querying. Even in the strongly consistent updates and insert cases, this can work, your queries could still be eventually consistent as the replicas read datastore might be behind, but when you go to make an update, you’d not use the query data to compute the update, you’d go back to your repository and call get again for all the entities you intend to change and change those, so that can be strongly consistent again.

Hope that answered your question.


thanks for the write up. I think I understand the design.

  • Is there a possibility of data corruption? (say if a service shutdown or if kafka somehow breaks).
  • Have you tried benchmarking an implementation?
  • I try to avoid locking when possible, especially say if multiple accounts need to be locked for a given transaction. If one or more of those accounts are being constantly updated there may be a deadlock senario, especially if the system starts spamming cas operations because of locked rows.
  • if transactions need to be processed in some sort of order, then the locking/cas approach gets worse.

How would the eventually consistent model handle something a bit more complex? ie, a transaction involving multiple steps:

  • Check Account A has enough Balance to Transfer
  • Check Account B has a valid Account to accept the Asset, if not, create the account.
  • Transfer if valid, otherwise deduct the transfer fee from Account A.

It depends how you’re publishing the change events, if you look at my example right now, I publish an event of events, so technically there’s no possibility that half the events for the transaction are published and the app crashes failing to publish say the event about updating one of the accounts.

Some people do like to have one Kafka stream per entity/aggregate though, I guess there’d be a small risk then that the app crashes prior to having published all the events.

Kafka is designed itself to recover from crashes, I believe it writes its stream to disk so it doesn’t lose data in case of a node crash, and you can set a replication factor that duplicates all messages to multiple nodes, so if one has a disk explode the other node would have a copy of the data.

Have not no. While I mention Kafka, I actually don’t use it myself :stuck_out_tongue:

At my work, I have familiarity with AWS, and personally I’d lean on AWS SQS if that is an option to you over Kafka. The simplicity of managing an SQS queue is just bliss. If you use a FIFO queue, you get exactly once delivery and guaranteed ordering, and all the normal replication and fault tolerance you’d expect. But I don’t know the cost relative to running your own Kafka cluster or using AWS MKS or even Kinesis though. SQS FIFO queues have a RPS of 300 r/s which you can increase to 3000 r/s if you batch messages in batches of 10, and there’ a high throughput mode that goes up to 3000 r/s no batch, and 30000 r/s with batch. It has under 100ms latencies per send/receive.

You need to be creative :stuck_out_tongue: , you are pretty much trading correctness for scale/availability, and you might need to push back on the exact requirements.

In my example I do “Check Account A has enough Balance to Transfer”, but it is best effort, because it could be checking an old version of the Account for which there is a queued-up change not reflected yet. The solution is that the “bank” uses overdraft fees to cover this edge case, so if someone transfers more money than they have, the bank will basically cover the transfer out-of-pocket, and then charge the customer money + interest for the negative balance. If the bank sees you went under 0, it would charge you overdraft fees, if you managed to refill it before it found out, maybe you just get away with it, but the balance is positive again and all is good.

In this case, I would push back on the requirement, I’d say, look, if Account B at the time we check it doesn’t have a balance in the correct currency (assuming that’s the “Asset” we are checking for), we’ll just error and refuse the transfer. The user either has to go add one first, or they just retry and this time (if one was being created) it will succeed.

Find another way to monetize :stuck_out_tongue:

With eventual consistency, you can’t guarantee that your reads are getting the most up to date view, all the workarounds are simply ways to make things strongly consistent temporarily when you need too and go back to being eventually consistent otherwise.

Generally, I think people simply accept this, and deal with the limitations, because they’d rather scale instead. Also, pre-computers, business and users and humans constantly delt with eventual consistency, information slowly trickles from one bank teller to the next, one bank to the other, etc. And similarly, business/human processes simply figured out processes that worked within that reality. Eventually consistent software systems need a similar thing.

That’s why it’s not for every use-case, but it works for some.

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sweet. thanks for that.

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Thank you @didibus for building this example of DDD in Clojure. It highlights the core concepts and how they help structure the functional core and imperative shell of an application. Having spent some time over the last year working with implementing DDD, I wish I had had your example back at the beginning. I love the clarity of your doc strings, and how they explain the concepts along with the code.

I have been meaning to write this since you first published your example, but other things always got in the way.

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