Exercism how to update the atom in a else clause


I have this code :

(defn memoize-transform
  "Returns a function that memoizes the last result.
   If the arguments are the same as the last call,
   the memoized result is returned."
  (let [mem (atom {:last-x nil
                   :last-y nil
                   :last-result nil})]
    (fn [& args]
      (if (= (first args) (:last-x @mem))
            (= (last args) (:last-y @mem))
        (:last-result @mem)))))

but now I wonder what is a good clojure way to update the atom with the new values if the values is not in the atom ?

Can somone give me a hint ?

Use a let binding to capture the new result, store the new args and result in the atom, and return the new result.

(defn memoize-transform
  "Returns a function that memoizes the last result.
   If the arguments are the same as the last call,
   the memoized result is returned."
  (let [mem (atom {:last-x nil
                   :last-y nil
                   :last-result nil})]
    (fn [& args]
      (if (and (= (first args) (:last-x @mem))
               (= (last args) (:last-y @mem)))
        (:last-result @mem)
        (:last-result (reset! mem {:last-x ... :last-y ... :last-result ...})))))

(Side note: Do the function always takes two arguments, x and y? You could store the args as one variable instead, and compare the argument vector with the saved one). Or use destructuring:

(defn memoize-transform
  "Returns a function that memoizes the last result.
   If the arguments are the same as the last call,
   the memoized result is returned."
  (let [mem (atom {:last-x nil
                   :last-y nil
                   :last-result nil})]
    (fn [[x y]]
      (if (and (= x (:last-x @mem))
               (= y (:last-y @mem)))
        (:last-result @mem)
        (:last-result (reset! mem {:last-x x :last-y y :last-result (f x y)})))))

Also note that (f nil nil) will give nil initially because of the initiatization-values of the atom, even if f returns something else.

(defn memoize-transform
  "Returns a function that memoizes the last result.
   If the arguments are the same as the last call,
   the memoized result is returned."
  (let [mem (atom {:last-x ::sentinel ;; will probably not be the argument to f
                   :last-y ::sentinel
                   :last-result nil})]
    (fn [[x y]]
      (if (and (= x (:last-x @mem))
               (= y (:last-y @mem)))
        (:last-result @mem)
        (:last-result (reset! mem {:last-x x :last-y y :last-result (f x y)})))))

A more general impl would be

(defn memoize-transform
  "Returns a function that memoizes the last result.
   If the arguments are the same as the last call,
   the memoized result is returned."
  (let [mem (atom {})]
    (fn [& args]
      (if (= args (:last-args @mem ::sentinell)) ;; default value cannot match args
        (:last-result @mem)
        (:last-result (reset! mem {:last-args args :last-result (apply f args)})))))
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Thanks for the complete explanation @Linus_Ericsson

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