Faster Startup via AOT

The initial startup time of shadow-cljs can be quite slow which can be quite annoying. With a server-mode instances running thats generally not an issue but that won’t always be the case and the server instance has to be started too.

As of 2.4.28 the shadow-cljs npm package will use the a AOT compiled artifact by default when running in standalone mode.


$ time shadow-cljs clj-eval 1
shadow-cljs - config: ~/test-dummy/shadow-cljs.edn  cli version: 2.4.26  node: v9.4.0
shadow-cljs - starting ...

real    0m8.788s
user    0m25.813s
sys     0m2.141s


$ time shadow-cljs clj-eval 1
shadow-cljs - config: ~/test-dummy/shadow-cljs.edn  cli version: 2.4.28  node: v9.4.0
shadow-cljs - starting ...

real    0m3.556s
user    0m8.688s
sys     0m1.234s

While 3.5sec is still too slow its quite an improvement over 8.7sec.

Please try it and report if you run into any issues. I experimented with AOT in the past and it had lots of issues. The approach used this time however is much cleaner so I hope its more reliable too. You can toggle set :aot false in the shadow-cljs.edn config to use the normal artifact instead.

PS: I absolutely do not recommend using the AOT version when running embedded in lein or deps.edn but you can try it by specifying the :classifier "aot" on the dependency (eg. [thheller/shadow-cljs "2.4.28" :classifier "aot"]).


Thanks, speed ups are always awesome in Clojure land


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