Fridge-Oriented Programming - [Are We There Yet?]

Sometimes I like to cook.
There are at least two modes of cooking: dish (aka intent, goal, design) mode and fridge (aka tools, economy, implementation) mode.
Dish - you define what you want and allocate required resources.
Fridge - you start with controlled resources and look for a wish that fit the most.

We (humans) switch between this modes all the time, usually too fast to recognise.

I sense we are too focused on “how to” (fridge) part, and don’t pay enough attention to “what is it for” (dish) part in our current state [of software development].
If implementation name is REPL, then design name is PERL.

Thread macro “->” is a good example.
Thread of what? My intents or CPU cycles?
Easier (to read) is a tricky argument.
Easier to confirm a happy path? Maybe.
But what about other options?
We have to untwist a thread into a DAG.

Yeah, I know, sometimes “just do it/any option” is not a bad option. Sometimes.
If you forget about other options. Like, don’t do it now (at all).

Take a look at any workflow/dataflow/visual-programming-tool.
It always “implementational”, time-forward, left-to-right.

Even the best example I’ve found so far ( goes halfway in example.
Intent (aka result) for each edge goes first, but still “finish” is the last line.

(def job-graph
  {:start []
   :result1 [:start]
   :result2 [:start]
   :finish [:result1 :result2]})

Do you need your “finish” or you just like to “start”?

I like the fridge metaphor, but I’m not sure about your example!

That have been tried many times. See Prolog. Doesn’t work well for most problems, but sometimes it does.

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