Building Reitit SPA, frequently it is desirable to do tear-down to delete state after leaving a page. We use Reitit Front-end and the controller :stop keyword is billed as the solution, but it seems to be broken. How do you manage this?
Does anybody do tear-down on their Re-Frame SPAs?
I’m not familiar with Reitit, but I’ve used these with re-frame/reagent:
- react lifecycle methods;
- this is good for when a specific page has special requirements - In the re-frame handler for page navigation - this is good when all/most pages have the same requirements.
Thank you! The :component-did-unmount should work perfectly!
Sorry I never wrote back, but I actually checked with my reitit-frontend-using web app template to see if I was seeing calls to stop and start controllers, and I do. It is not re-frame, so you won’t see the tearing down of components, but you can see a working example of reitit controllers.
I have made a tiny project to demonstrate the start and stop controllers based on the template here. The readme describes how to start the example.
Thank you! I also received a response on the Reitit issue, so together with your example I should be abl to make it work.
Solution achieved, :stop
working! The key was to take my controller call out of the routes operator and instead put it in the re-frame event. Solution:
(ns centrifuge.routes
(:require [reitit.frontend :as rf]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[re-frame.core :as rfc]
;; [reitit.coercion :as rc]
;; [reitit.coercion.schema :as rsc]
[centrifuge.views.dashboard :as dash]
[centrifuge.views.article :as article]
[centrifuge.views.admin :as admin]))
(def routes
{:name ::front-dashboard
:view #'dash/home-page}]
{:name ::article
:view #'article/main-page
:controllers [{:parameters {:path [:id]}
:start (fn [p] (rfc/dispatch [:set-current-article
(or (-> p :path :id)
:stop (fn [_] (do
(println "Running stop!")
(rfc/dispatch [:set-current-article nil])))}]}]]))
(defn init-routes!
"Start the routing"
(rfe/start! routes
(fn [m]
(rfc/dispatch [:set-current-page m]))
{:use-fragment false}))
;; ...
[reitit.frontend.controllers :as rfcontrol]
;; ...
(validate-spec ::db/app-db)
(fn [db [_ m]]
(let [prev-match (:current-page db)
controlled (assoc m :controllers (rfcontrol/apply-controllers (:controllers prev-match) m)) ]
(assoc db :current-page controlled))))
I am happy you got it working.
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