I realize this might be an overly general question, but I was wondering how people use nREPL. I mean, what are you using it for? I’m basically looking for inspiration, so to speak
Here is how I am using it at the moment.
I have a Debian server where I installed Babashka. It’s on GCP Compute Engine and I installed Tailscale on it, so it’s super convenient to connect to it via SSH without having to manage SSH keypairs. Sometimes I access my server and launch the nREPL server integrated in Babashka:
bb --nrepl-server 1667
I then create an SSH tunnel between the Debian server and my laptop…
ssh -L 1668:localhost:1667 giacomo@debian-vm
…and connect to the nREPL server with Calva (by selecting Connect to a running REPL server, not in your project
I have a couple of babashka scripts that I evaluate in VS Code + Calva and send to the nREPL server, but apart from that, I don’t use nREPL that much. Do you use nREPL for other tasks? What am I missing out?
Also, do you keep the nREPL server running? I saw that the memory consumption is quite low, and I don’t think it would be a security issue that big to always keep it up, since my Debian server is only accessible via SSH with publickey authentication.
And lastly, how can I use nREPL in a cloud environment? For example, I initially thought about creating a container image with babashka installed in it, expose a port for the nREPL server, and connect to the nREPL server from Calva. But now I don’t think it’s feasible, since you tipically can use only one port with a Container as a Service like GCP Cloud Run.
If you have cool use cases, talks, blog posts to recommend, I’m all ears. Thanks!