How do you use testing in your projects?

I’m curious about the variety of methods used by developers for testing in [some of] your primary project[s], and would value your participation in a little survey. Please comment with any further explanation or questions you have!

What is the scale of your project (not counting libraries)?

  • 100 or fewer fns
  • 101-500 fns
  • 501-1000 fns
  • 1001+ fns

0 voters

What flavor of platform are you targeting?

  • CLJ
  • CLJS
  • CLJC
  • Other

0 voters

What forms of testing do you do?

  • TDD
  • Coverage testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Generative Testing
  • Property-based Testing
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters

What testing frameworks/libraries do you leverage?

  • Clojure.test
  • Eastwood
  • Joker
  • Cloverage
  • Midje
  • Kaocha
  • Doorunner
  • Etaoin
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters

In the past, I enjoyed hara.test, that auto-generates of docstrings from tests.
See example here.

Now experimenting with notespace, that supports basic unit-testing in the form of a literate-programming document.

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I also do functional testing (when you tests units together) and integration testing (when you test your app and it’s interaction with other apps).

And I also use the cognitect test runner:

I also use clj-kondo for linting.


Same here. Though it’s not related to testing, it’s in the same “assure quality” mental bucket for me.

We use HtmlUnit to perform UAT-style end-to-end testing (as well as clojure.test, expectations.clojure.test, generative testing, and property-based testing).

In terms of scale, at work, we have 72,953 lines of source code and 21,182 lines of test code.

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What to you is the difference between generative testing and property-based testing?

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Good question. To be honest, I just included “property-based testing” because it’s a phrase I see a lot. In response to your question I looked at the following:

From these I gather that property-based testing originates with Haskell’s Quick Check system, and that Clojure’s generative testing via spec can be used to implement property-based checking. Reading online, it seems there isn’t a major difference.

Pedantic mode on: QuickCheck was originally written in/for Erlang, later ported to Haskell

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There is a difference between property and generative.

Generative testing relates to the test input. Which is generated instead of hard-coded. While property based testing relates to the assertions made, which asserts properties instead of hard-coded outputs.

So if you assert things like that your input/output always follow certain patterns, like that they are of an expected range, type, commutative, etc. That’s property based testing. You can do that even if you have hard-coded inputs.

With generative testing, you will most likely need property based assertions as well. Since if the input is generated, you can’t really have an assertion on the output that is an exact equality for the given input. So you’ll most likely won’t be able to assert it produced the exact expected output, but that at least it followed some generally applicable properties as they are expected.

So often times, generative testing implies property based tested, but not the other way around.


Those were my intuitions as to the difference between the two, but I hadn’t managed to articulate it so well to myself. Thanks for an excellent explanation!

Myself, I call that unit testing too - just with a larger unit :slight_smile: I think unit does not need to equal to a function.

We also to Specification by Example / BDD leveraging the Java SbE testing framework Concordion via clj-concordion.

We have a ± smallish batch job of 180 functions with critical, money-related business functionality so testing the business rules and being able to have “living documentation” that shows the system is working correctly and that we can talk through with the business people is very important.

I have written about some of the stuff:


BDD - that’s new to me! Thanks, and for the blog posts!

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