Howdy! I’m attempting to use Boot’s pods feature from within a standalone project that doesn’t involve Boot, and am encountering trouble.
Given the following segment:
(require '[boot.pod :as pod])
(let [p (pod/make-pod {})
cmds '[(def x 3) (+ x 9)]]
(pod/with-eval-in p ~cmds))
within Boot’s repl, this produces:
$ boot repl
... elided ...
[(var pod/x) 12]
but within a bare-bones project or at the REPL not driven by Boot the stanza produces errors:
IllegalArgumentException Provided artifact is missing a version: [boot/pod nil] cemerick.pomegranate.aether/add-version-from-managed-coord (aether.clj:654)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find static field: config in class boot.App, compiling:(/private/var/folders/hd/gyfcfwyd0b7ftv_0dd6qt17c0000gp/T/form-init7647312233656327720.clj:1:845)
I’ve gotten this far with the following (Leiningen) dependencies:
[boot/aether "2.8.1"]
[boot/base "2.8.1"]
[boot/core "2.8.1"]
[boot/pod "2.8.1"]
I’ve tried many variations of the env
argument of make-pod
, but haven’t found anything that gets me beyond this impasse. Looking forward to being able to make use of Boot’s pods for our forthcoming OSS templating library