Since we’re all still figuring out how to use this thing, here are some ideas of posts that we’d love to see
- post your questions and troubles in #questions-help:troubleshooting and #questions-help:how-to. Think of it as StackOverflow but with your besties instead of strangers on the internet
- write about what you’re reading in #learning-resources:books. If you finish a book and want to write a full review: awesome, if you just want to say "hey I’m halfway through this book and so far I like it because <reason>, also cool!
- write a guide in the #learning-resources:tutorials-guides. Bonus points for making it a wiki so people can contribute (ping me if you need help with that, you might need a higher trust level). Free guide idea: looping! (loop vs doseq vs run! vs map vs doall vs for).
- write about the last meetup you went to in #community-center:meetups-and-events, or announce the next one you’re going to.
- talk shop (if you’re allowed to) in #showcase:products-built-with-clojure
Now it’s up to you