Is there API for Clojars?

I want to add a script like yarn outdated, which is for detecting outdated jars. Any APIs to use?

Will it involve Maven APIs if some jars are hosted on Maven?

GitHub - xsc/lein-ancient: Check your Projects for outdated Dependencies 这个嚒?

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Cool but I’m not using Lein. My dependencies are specified in shadow-cljs.edn.

You can also check:

What I do is manage my dependencies using deps.edn, and then just reference the deps file from shadow-cljs.edn.

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How do you reference the deps BTW?

Here is the section in the shadow-cljs manual:

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The Clojars API is documented here:



Got another question, some of the packages are deployed on maven. How can I check them, and how do I tell where the package is served?

Turned out API is not available for mirrors. Mirrors only got files cached .

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