Mind the Code Podcast

Wanted to share an announcement with the Clojure community. I’ve been really excited at the happenings within the web3 world and want to bridge that gap between the memecoiners and the lispers.

Please join us on Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mindthecodepodcast

Episode 0 - To Build a Blockchain

Chris and Bruce started a discussion around the possibility of building out a EVM compatible blockchain with Postgres and PGRX, the benefits of leveraging existing decades old technology and some discussions around use cases for ZK in relation to technology for consumer protection.

Chris Zheng - https://linkedin.com/in/zcaudate/
Bruce Joy - https://linkedin.com/in/brucejoy/
Mohak Malhotra - https://linkedin.com/in/mohak-m-010723101/

PGRX - GitHub - pgcentralfoundation/pgrx: Build Postgres Extensions with Rust!
PostgresML - https://postgresml.org/
Foundry - GitHub - foundry-rs/foundry: Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
Roman Kyoto (ZK) - Roman Kyoto | ETHGlobal
Zeke (ZK) - Zeke | ETHGlobal

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