Hello, I am pretty new to clojure and its ecosystem so please don’t judge me harshly.
So I have been dabbling around in clojure for few weeks now. I wanted to build a typical rest api that would receive and respond in json. I am using reitit for routing and I have the below clj for building the ring handler.
(ns app
(:require [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-response wrap-json-params]])
(:require [reitit.ring :as ring])
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [generate-string]])
(:require [reitit.ring.middleware.parameters :refer [parameters-middleware]])
(:require [reitit.ring.middleware.exception :as exception]))
(def default-response-headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8"})
(defn create-app [routes]
{:middleware [wrap-json-response
{:not-found (constantly {:status 404
:body (generate-string {:message "Route not found"})
:headers default-response-headers})
:method-not-allowed (constantly {:status 405
:body (generate-string {:message "Method not allowed"})
:headers default-response-headers})
:not-acceptable (constantly {:status 406
:body (generate-string {:message "Totally and utterly unacceptable"})
:headers default-response-headers})}))))
When I send a malformed json e.g. ({“example”:}), I get this response body “Malformed JSON in request body.” as a text/plain. If I am correct, this is produced by wrap-json-params middleware. All I want to do is return something like this instead but I have been struggling to achieve that.
{"message": "Malformed JSON in request body."}
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you have some tips on how I could write better clojure code based on the above snippet, I’d like that very much.