Following a few recent suggestions, we organized a study meeting about NLP, possibly a first in a series.
This event is related to the upcoming ds4clj course – it is part of our exploration of topics that may later become part of the course.
DataLinguist for a Clojure library that covers similar areas (no Python needed)
For the curious: the historical Zulip topic thread where Alan Marazzi and Chris Nuernberger were looking into spaCy, and then began looking into a Clojure-Python bridge
This looks like a great start. Couldn’t join unfortunately, but will happily consume all this juicy content.
I’ve been working on a tool to make my mail inbox usable again and was planning on parsing and indexing all my emails - detecting concepts and relationships while doing so, so I can use RDF or something similar to query my inbox. (full text search won’t quite cut it)