Event link: https://www.meetup.com/London-Clojurians/events/271860420/
Time: 2020-07-28T17:30:00Z
Justin Conklin will be presenting his library jmh-clojure:
Justin has been working in Clojure since 2010. He is passionate about performance and has been experimenting with JIT compilation techniques for dynamic languages and DSLs for a number of years. He is the creator of jmh-clojure, a data-oriented interface to JMH, the Java Microbenchmark Harness.
Performance measurement isn’t as simple and obvious as you might think. There are many pitfalls that a practitioner must avoid while measuring performance for JVM hosted solutions. Considering the impact of the Garbage Collector, JIT compilation, Dead Code Elimination and all the other optimisation techniques while still obtaining repeatable measurements is very challenging. Thankfully, OpenJDK comes with a Java Microbenchmark Harness developed by JVM/JIT experts and goes to great lengths to ensure accurate benchmarks.
Justin will take us through some of the pitfalls of benchmarking and how to use his library.
If you ever used criterium you should definitely check this talk.