At the closing keynote of Heart of Clojure the speaker Rachel Lawson mentioned this idea of putting people’s pronouns, primary language, and location at the top of a post. We thought that was a really cool idea. When communicating online there’s not a lot of context, and so people are too easily misunderstood. Getting a better idea of who we’re talking to can help there, both when interpreting what people wrote, and when replying to others.
So we’ve decided to add two new “user fields”, primary language and pronouns. We already had a field for location. These will show up on your profile and your profile card (the thing that pops up when you click on the avatar of a person in a post.) They are both free-form text fields.
To configure these, click on your avatar on the top right, and click on the little gears icon. This takes you to your profile preferences.
There you can find these under the “profile” tab.