Real-world-data meeting 13

(edit: see the tentative agenda in the comments below)


It is not too late to join the real-world-data group.

This study group is a bit different from the other ones. Participants are assumed to be actively working on a problem and willing to share it.
See the meeting 1 post for background.

Updates about the agenda will be shared in the group chat.
If you wish to join the group, please reach out beforehand. :pray:

Tentative agenda:

  • For those who may stay longer, this week’s meeting will be slightly longer.

  • One topic on our Friday meeting will be scicloj / clojure-data-tutorials - a new platform by Carsten Behring for reproducible tutorials.

  • On another part of our meeting, Sami Kallinen will discuss the modeling of sailing data, that will also be discussed in Sami’s talk at Heart of Clojure talk later this month:
    Sailing with Scicloj: A Bayesian Adventure

  • We will probably discuss a few updates regarding library development.

  • Around the time of the usual official meeting end, we will have a run of the coming Heart of Clojure talk by Daniel Szmulewicz on the foundations of Lisp.
    The Shoulders of Giants or Uncovering the Foundational Ideas of Lisp