Share the nitty-gritty details of your Clojure workflow!

I didn’t mention this, but I also use paredit. I have found that many beginners don’t realize that they will be much, much more productive once they learn paredit or parinfer. I worked in Clojure for a few years in my spare time without structural editing. I knew paredit existed, but I didn’t have a good sense of the time investment necessary vs the productivity difference.

It was only when I pair programmed with some experienced Clojurists did I realize how much time I was wasting on bugs related to parenthesis that they never experienced.

Speaking of tooling, I have been pleasantly surprised with how useful Joker is when integrated with my editor (Emacs in my case, but it can be set up with Sublime, Atom, and vim). Many typos that used to take me tens of seconds or more to identify and fix can now be fixed within a few seconds. I highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it.