Some interesting bits in an old (ancient) ClojureScript talk

I was poking around some of the conference playlists from way back, and had a look at this talk

[TW: ableism, mental health]

There’s at least one cool takeaway from this talk, the analogy the speaker makes at the start

JavaScript :: ClojureScript <=> Imperial :: Metric

I feel this is such a good way to explain the difference between the two. Sure, you can do advanced science with imperial units, but do you want to? I might steal this analogy if I ever do a ClojureScript talk for a JavaScript audience again.

For the rest it was interesting to see how immature ClojureScript still was (this was 2011). There was no js->clj or clj->js or even #js reader literals (although apparently those were announced already). Instead you did things like cljs.core.Vector/fromArray (which no longer exists).

Also apparently the distinction between (.method-call) and (.-property-access) didn’t exist, instead you did some weird stuff with adding extra parenthesis to dot operators, I didn’t fully get that part.

Final cool thing I learned: these folks implemented a d3-like in (JVM based) Clojure called c2. This was pre-React but in many ways very similar in architecture. The README now states it’s deprecated in favor of React, but doesn’t provide an alternative for the JVM (I guess you could run React with Nashorn or something).

Anyway thought that was fun. So far for our trip through memory lane.