Spatial Informatics Group - wildfire, carbon and mapping

Looking for full stack developers to develop web applications in the climate space.

SIG is an environmental consulting firm with a 12 person software shop whose goal is to help clients make informed management, land-use and policy decisions by converting spatial data into knowledge they can use in a world with ever-changing environmental conditions

SIG is searching for a Full Stack Web Developer to focus initially on developing a web application for implementing a novel carbon protocol - Avoided Wildfire Emissions (AWE) - a forecast methodology under the Climate Forward program to recognize the climate benefits associated with fuel treatment activities that lower the risk of catastrophic forest fires and the emissions associated with them.**

Link to job description

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Check out our fire spread software in literate programming

Since I created this sub-forum AND I now work at SIG, I’d better apply the forum’s rules to the letter and fill out the missing sections :slight_smile:

What SIG does

How is this sustainability-oriented?

We turn insights and technical know-how from environmental scientists into decision-support software. This tends to be used for raising awareness about environmental issues, or for scaling responses to these.

Examples of projects:

  1. mitigating climate change by reducing the frequency and severity of wildfires in the US
  2. used for detecting deforestation, forest degradation, and other changes in the landscape. This data empowers users to implement policies to protect the landscape, mitigate climate change, and promote sustainable livelihoods.
  3. predicting where climate change will increase fire risk in the USA (which hopefully results in raising awareness about climate change impacts, guiding adaptation, and discouraging urban spread, which can be interesting for mitigation)