Tricks to make Clojure(startup time) faster?

There are multiple conflated things here and we do a disservice to the problems by not pulling them apart. The tweet says “get faster Clojure” but talks solely about startup time. Startup time and post-startup time are mostly independent but both important (and have different problems and solutions). Even startup time is not one problem but several kinds of use cases with different audiences. I spent a chunk of time a while ago on this and kept my notes at In particular, I did a survey to try to tease apart the use cases.

Stressing about the raw startup time of just clojure.core itself is imo not worth the effort. I fail to see how to make Clojure an order of magnitude faster, which is what it would take to be interesting for scripting users. Those users are better served by Planck/Lumo/etc. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t be aware of it and take reasonable efforts to improve it, just that we should not delude ourselves that that will be ever be “enough”.

Tooling is another area where there are opportunities for improvement. There are a few use cases where the new command line tools will help, but generally I think there’s still room for doing a better job making tools faster to start up (by avoiding work or doing more compiling or probably other stuff).

The place that is the most interesting to me is in reducing the time per-ns and per-var to load code. If code is AOT compiled (likely for production use cases), I think there are some new interesting options if we have tools.deps.alpha which is in the loop of downloading deps. It’s not crazy to believe that we could pre-AOT-compile and cache many of our deps to avoid re-doing all of that reading and compilation. In this scenario, we would also get a lot more lift out of direct linking + lazy vars (which we have a working patch for). And there are some intriguing possibilities for leveraging invokedynamic which a few people have explored.

If code is not AOT compiled (which is where we live at dev time), then we need to look at the time to read, compile, and load the code. There might be opportunities to cache certain parts of this process (given that most of our code is identical every time we load it).

When we get into 10+ second start times, I think everyone can agree that’s too slow. It’s pretty easy to make a stack of Clojure web stuff big enough to hit this time frame (without even introducing CLJS). When that happens, typically it means you are loading 10k+ classes (and running some init code for each). I don’t think there’s any silver bullet to kill that, but there are a lot of things to look at still and I expect I’ll get another time slice on it before the next release.