I’ve just refactored my reitit API to use malli instead of Clojure spec through spec-tools. However, I sorely missed the Schema-like syntax in malli. Even though the hiccup-like syntax in malli is more powerful, I like how the similarity between the Schema-syntax and the data they’re describing. So I made a function that converts Schema-syntax to malli-syntax.
(ns to-malli
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk])
(:import #?(:clj (clojure.lang MapEntry))))
(defn ->m
(->> schema
(fn [form]
(= MapEntry (type form))
;; leave [:keyword ...] vectors untouched
(and (vector? form) (keyword? (first form)))
;; leave forms with ^:m meta untouched
(:m (meta form))
;; one-element map with non-keyword key -> :map-of
;; NOTE: {int? :int} will be interpreted as [:map-of int? :int]
;; whereas {:int :int} will be interpreted as [:map [:int :int]]
;; This is to allow {:x :int} to be interpreted as map with
;; only one key.
;; Perhaps :map-of should require explicit malli syntax
;; and not be inferred.
(and (map? form) (= 1 (count form)) (not (-> form first key keyword?)))
[:map-of (-> form first key) (-> form first val)]
;; map -> :map
(map? form)
(into [:map] form)
;; one-element vector -> :vector
(and (vector? form) (= 1 (count form)))
[:vector (first form)]
;; one-element list -> :sequential
(and (list? form) (= 1 (count form)))
[:sequential (first form)]
;; > 1 element vector -> :tuple
(and (vector? form) (< 1 (count form)))
(into [:tuple] form)
;; one-element set -> :set
(and (set? form) (= 1 (count form)))
(into [:set] form)
Works surprisingly well (don’t know why this code isn’t properly formatted)
(actually the int? is converted to #object[clojure.core$int_QMARK_ 0x2542240d "clojure.core$int_QMARK_@2542240d"] and same for string? but I edited for clarity)
This saved me a lof of time because I could reuse my previous spec-tools schemas with very little change.
Since ->m assumes that all maps should be converted to [:map ...], properties like {:min 0 :max 10} need to be protected using ^:m.
The inferring of [:map-of ...] does not work if one uses a type schema (e.g., :int instead of int?) because {:int int?} may be a valid one-element map with :int as key, whereas {int? int?} can be interpreted as a map with integer keys (like spec-tools does).
EDIT: A similar problem for [:int] which is interpreted as [:int] while [int?] is interpreted as [:vector int?], because of the second cond. That could probably be changed to only return vectors beginning with a key with at least two elements, but I haven’t thought that through.
Comments welcome!
(Disclaimer: I am completely self-taught in Clojure so I have no idea what I’m doing and I realize that this cannot replace the full power of using hiccup-like syntax in malli).
Thanks for sharing! Malli (and spec-tools) lead here. Agree that data-specs are handy when used with libs like reitit, as long as the needs are simple.
It might be better not to support automatically interpreted vectors or map-of’s to avoid ambiguity. simple syntax should be simple
by default, meta-data is not visible when printing the form, so debugging the syntax is harder as one can’t know which form has the ^:m
like data-specs, adding functional helpers for optional keys, maybes, and ors might be a good idea.
(require '[malli.core :as m])
(require '[malli.error :as me])
(-> Schema
{:map1 {:x 1
:z "kikka"}
:map2 {:min-max 12
:tuples [[1 "a"] [2 "b"]]
:set-of-maps #{{:e 1, :f "f"}}
:map-of-int {1 {:s "seppo"}
2 {:s :sanni}}}})
;{:map1 {:y ["missing required key"]
; :z ["should be a keyword"]}
; :map2 {:min-max ["should be between 0 and 10"]
; :map-of-int {2 {:s ["should be a string"]}}}}
What do you think?
EDIT: I pushed the key optionality into value, instead of special wrapper for key (l/opt, l/req like in data-specs), I think it’s simpler that way, yup does it like this too,
Pasted the above code into malli and merged in master. As the experimental namespace suggests, not 100% sure if that belongs to malli. But, it’s just 18 lines of code, so easy to inline into client projects (or into a separate library) if for some reason would not be part of the final 1.0.0 release.
Awesome, so glad if I have contributed to an idea of further development of Malli! I’ve read your previous post and have some thoughts - I’ll write more this weekend.
I agree that vectors, tuples, etc. should not be inferred because of the ambiguity. But I think I would prefer to not use helper functions but instead have the full set of malli schemas available (e.g., :fn, :enum). I can then use {} which are inferred as maps and otherwise rely on malli docs
But one caveat with not using helper functions is that the {...} → [:map ...] isn’t recursively applied. So (l/schema {:key [:vector {:key :int}]}) gives an error instead of [:map [:key [:vector [:map [:key :int]]]]. My function is recursive, but is pretty dumb so it needs the ^:m meta to preserve property maps. I can’t write parsers but it should be possible to infer from placement when a map should be preserved and when it should be changed to [:map] (like, properties always come after the type/predicate schema)? Nevertheless, your solution gets the job done in terms of allowing a syntax that is very close to data-specs.