Visual-tools meeting 14 - Clerk workshop

The visual tools group will have its 14h meeting on Oct 20th. edit: fixed date

It will be a special meeting, offering an online version of the recent Stange Loop Clerk workshop, presented by @mkvlr.


This meeting is intended to be small, with a limited number of participants. If you wish to join, please drop a message to @daslu. :point_left:
You can also use the Add to Calendar to add the event to your calendar.

Preparing for the meeting

It is recommended to look into Clerk beforehand and try it out at your environment.
Some materials will be shared the day before the workshop.


The official part will be 90 minutes long.
Sometimes some of us like to stay longer and chat.


  • A zoom link will be shared with the participants before the meeting.
  • We will use a dedicated Slack channel for chat.


Only the discussion part will be recorded this time.


Thanks @mkvlr and @daslu for making this happen! :metal:

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Many thanks for your encouragement, @teodorlu!

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There’s no mandatory sign up in advance, right? In case I’m able to encourage some colleagues to join too :slight_smile:

Just join the zoom link?

This meeting is intended to be small, with a limited number of participants. If you wish to join, please drop a message to @daslu. :point_left:

Good point, thanks. I’ll remove the Zoom link to avoid confusion.

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Oh, gotcha. I skimmed a bit fast. Thanks!

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I plan to attend if possible.

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