Visual-tools meeting 20 - various updates

(last edit: updated agenda, 2023-11-29)

The visual tools group will have its 20th meeting on Dec 1st.

In this meeting, a few of our friends will share updates on their current projects in the fields of tooling, literate programming, data visualization, and UI design. Please see the gradually updating agenda below, and please reach out to add your topics to the Agenda.


:hammer_and_wrench: (gradually updating) :hammer_and_wrench:

  • @joshcho will present MetaREPL, an embedded LLM REPL.
  • Phoenix will present a tool built with Electric, PixiJS and for time-series analysis inspired by TradingView.
  • @Daniel_Szmulewicz will discuss the concept of project templates and demonstrate how they can be created using the Meyvn build tool for handling NPM dependencies.
  • @daslu will share a release candidate of Kindly, a data visualization convention that works across different tools.
  • @timothypratley will share some progress with Clay v2 and Claykind.


Please use the Going button at the top of this post to mark your participation.
You can also use the Add to Calendar to add the event to your calendar.


The official part will be 90 minutes long.
Sometimes, some of us like to stay longer and chat.

Video Call

Updated Zoom link: Launch Meeting - Zoom


The meeting will be recorded and shared publicly.
Some parts will be unrecorded.

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The agenda for Friday is now complete :pray:

See you tomorrow :pray:

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