Visual-tools meeting 22 - ggplot study session 2 - summary & recording

On March 17th, 2024, the Scicloj visual-tools group had its 22nd meeting.

This was the second session on a short series about ggplot2, an R package for grammar-of-graphics data visualization.



Other shared links

Next time

The next ggplot2 study session will take place on April 7th. We will announce it soon at Clojureverse and the Clojure Calendar Feed.
We will probably continue with Chapter 14 (“Scales and guides”), which overlaps with Chapter 6 of Wilkinson’s book.
Edit: link to the upcoming session 3

Will you join us?

Please reach out if you are interested in this group.
It is recommended to follow the #visual-tools Zulip stream and the #visual-tools Slack channel.