Visual-tools meeting 27 - Workflow Demos 1: Emacs, Cider, VSCode Calva, Zulip - summary & recording

On 2025-01-03, the Clojure visual-tools group had its 27th meeting. This was the first of a series of meetings where people would demonstrate their Clojure workflows with different tools.

17 people attended.


(see the detailed outline in the comments below)
@adham presented Emacs and CIDER.
Jarret Atkinson presented VSCode Calva and additional setup.
@daslu presented the Clojurians Zulip chat.


text chat

The meeting’s Zoom chat has been quite detailed, with many people helping each other and sharing their experiences.
We kept the text here at the Zulip chat (requires login): #visual-tools>meeting 27

next meetings

At the moment, the following have already been scheduled:
Visual-tools meeting 28: Workflow Demos 2
Visual-tools meeting 29: Workflow Demos 3


Adding the talk outlines from last Friday:

@adham presented Emacs and CIDER.

  • Why Emacs for Clojure?
  • The general toolkit
    • CIDER
    • A brief mention of navigating parens
    • Integration with Clojure LSP
    • Integration with Clj-kond
  • REPL Connectivity options
  • How Emacs fairs in the general developer workflow (e.g. Git/GitHub)

Jarret Atkinson presented VSCode Calva and additional setup.

  • What is calva + vscode?
  • How is language information retrieved?
  • How to customize calva?
  • Haystack
  • Custom VIM keybindings
  • Helpful editor commands
  • Portal + Portal test reporter
  • Extended completion engine