Visual-tools meeting 30 - Workflow Demos 4: LLMs in Emacs for Clojure - summary & recording

On 2025-01-23, the Clojure visual-tools group had its 30th meeting. This was the forth of a series of meetings where people would demonstrate their Clojure workflows with different tools.

Ten people attended.


Both @stoica94 and @adham shared their setup, workflow, and lessons in using LLMs in Emacs for Clojure development.
You may find a few of the resources they shared in the text chat.
@bakbeest briefly shared a tree-based UI for LLM interaction that will be the topic of a future talk.


text chat

The meeting’s Zoom chat has been quite detailed, with many people helping each other and sharing their experiences.
We kept the text here at the Zulip chat (requires login): #visual-tools>meeting 30.

next meetings

Please reach out if you wish to propose topics for future meetings.


A few links shared by @stoica94:

Here’s my emacs config presented in meetup: parts: