Visual-tools meeting 30: Workflow Demos 4

edit (2025-01-22) - updated agend

The visual tools group will have its 30th meeting on Jan 23th 2025.

This meeting is part of a short Workflow Demos series. A few of our friends will demonstrate their workflows for others to learn from.


(updating gradually)

  • @stoica94 - using LLMs in Emacs for Clojure #1
  • @adham - using LLMs in Emacs for Clojure #2


Please write to @daslu or comment below if you wish to participate. You can also use the Add to Calendar to add the event to your calendar.


The official part will be 90 minutes long.
Sometimes, some of us like to stay longer and chat.

Video Call

Zoom link: Launch Meeting - Zoom


Possibly, we will share a recording of parts of the meeting. This has not been decided yet.f


See you on Thursday (or late Wednesday for some of you)!

(just updated the agenda)

These events and others can be followed on the Clojure Calendar Feed:

A lively and engaging session. Thank you for arranging.
P.S. The time was more convenient than usual.

Good to know, thanks.

As always, I would love to see the video of this if/when available.

Hi @colinfleming!
