I’m a novice programmer interested in web dev, basic sites with an index page, show pages, item filtering, search, auth, and a db. (zero plans for a career in development).
I know basic HTML, CSS, JS, and SQL with a slightly deeper understanding of Elixir and Phoenix. I’m drawn to the simplicity of Clojure as an escape from frameworks, arbitrary syntax and OOP.
Clojure wise, I’ve done a short udemy course and a few other small tutorials. For my main learning resource I’ve settled on
The Clojure Workshop I found it to be the most practical and up to date Clojure book, that doesn’t teach frameworks.
The Problem
At 700+ pages, with everything from hello world to macros it feels comprehensive to a fault. My naive intuition is that there’s a subset of Clojure concepts that if learned, would give me out-sized returns compared to the rest.
I’m including a list of the books contents and I’d be grateful for any feedback on which chapters/concepts could be strategically ignored from the POV of an aspiring Clojure CRUD maker?
Hello REPL! (def, let, booleans, repl basics)
Data Types and Immutability (maps, sets, vectors, lists)
Functions in Depth (destructing, higher-order functions, multi-methods)
Mapping and Filtering (map, filter, lazy evaluation)
Many to One: Reducing (zipmap, group by, reduce)
Recursion and Looping (loop, doseq, recur, take, repeatedly, iterate)
Recursion II: Lazy Sequences (lazy-seq, thunks)
Namespaces Libraries and Leiningen
Host Platform Interoperability with Java and JavaScript (exceptions, errors)
Concurrency (pmap, futures, atoms, refs, agents)
Database Interaction and the Application Layer (JDBC, SQL, Connection pools)
HTTP with Ring
The Frontend: A ClojureScript UI (reagent, HTTP endpoints)
Full list of chapters and lessons is available here:
*cross posted in slack and reddit
80/20 for the uninitiated :