What's the best way to host cljs on cheap shared lamp hosting?

I have Bluehost for some personal hosting and am ready to depart from PHP code for my app, but this means I can’t use a Java/Clojure back end for the server. I managed a one-off by building my app in Leiningen and copying the template code into a plain HTML file and uploading all JavaScript files , but this gets cumbersome for updates, particularly if dependencies change.

Does anyone know a slick way of building a frontend-only JavaScript app and easily (hopefully just dropping files) hosting on shared LAMP server?

Does anyone know a slick way of building a frontend-only JavaScript app and easily (hopefully just dropping files) hosting on shared LAMP server?

Not familiar with LAMP but I build my ClojureScript into 1 or 2 .js files. They are uploaded to my server with barely rsync. For the fonts that are not frequently changed, I put them on my CDN and just use <link href="..."/>. Too simplified but enough for personal sites…

copying the template code into a plain HTML file and uploading all JavaScript files , but this gets cumbersome for updates, particularly if dependencies change

did you mean you have a lot of JavaScript files or other assets?

How do you upload your files? Do you have ssh access, or do you have to use an FTP client?

I’m guessing that you just want a deploy script. Build static files locally, then sync them. Does this seem right to you?

I’m asking a lot of questions because I don’t really understand the problem.

I have ssh access, so I guess a publishing script might be the simple answer

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