The clj-new documentation suggest a command to get the clj-new help documentation:
clojure -A:deps -Tclj-new help/doc
So, I decided to give it a try to change clj-new to tools:
clojure -A:deps -Ttools help/doc
Which worked fine and game me this information about install:
([{:keys [as], :as args}])
Install a tool under a local tool name for later use. On install, the tool is procured, and
persisted with the tool name for later use.
lib-name (required) - value is coord map (git coords may omit sha)
:as (required) - tool name
clj -Ttools install io.github.clojure/tools.deps.graph '{:git/tag "v1.0.63"}' :as deps-graph
Also see:
clj -X:deps find-versions :lib <lib>
Ok, It tells what are the permanent effects, but doesn’t detail exactly what happens in my machine.
I ran it and noticed the ~/.clojure/tools/clj-new.edn file existing, because I had a feeling it would make changes to my ~/.clojure/deps.edn file. But no, it creates instead that clj-new.edn file (I think it did, because I’m not sure if I had it there before running the command, from years ago).
Anyways, something interesting is the namespace I see in the help command: So… I suppose this is the repo concerning that install command: GitHub - clojure/ Clojure CLI tool for managing Clojure CLI tools, which point to this API, which is I think the same info you’ll get with the previous help command.
So, that’s all the documentation I could find about those commands.
I too find the documentation about installing clj tools hard to find, but what I do is go to the “deps and cli reference” which has all the info and then look at the side bar:
I’ve run into this a couple of times in the past month. Googling for “clojure tools install” only comes up with pages about how to install Clojure. You almost have to know where the info resides, to be able to find it.