Elements of Clojure Book Club

Would there be an interest in a group reading of Elements of Clojure? The first full draft just came out!

Participants all read 1 chapter a week. Post questions on ClojureVerse and have a live remote meeting at the end where we review and discuss.

here are some option questions.

  • How to send updates about meetings
  • The frequency of meetings (weekly, monthly, etc…)
  • How to split up the content (pages, chapter, etc…)
  • The format of meetings (slack, discord, google hangouts…)
  • What should be part of the meeting. Should there be a limit to the group size (which implies we have multiple groups)
  • How to post questions and organize information (on ClojureVerse, SO, etc…)
  • Experienced Clojure devs that could participate and help (Maybe Zach, Eric Normand, etc…)
  • When to have real time meeting (this might also force different groups)

Yes! I would, havent started it yet, bought 2 weeks ago.

I would be up for this.

This would be great.
Since the book has only 4 chapters but its content is dense, I’d suggest taking at least 2 weeks for each chapter.
It’d be great if Zach could participate in the meetings.
I guess book mailing list could be used to post updates as well as dedicated slack channel - I’ve already created elements-of-clojure channel on Clojurians slack.
Perhaps Google Docs could be used to gather a list of questions and notes from meetings (would require moderator(s)). After the meeting the answers/notes could be cleaned up and posted on the forum/mailing list.


half a chapter a week then. so 2x4= 8 weeks or two months to finish. That seems reasonable.

Clojure Slack might make sense for places to have adhoc discussions that aren’t sutble for clojureVerse. I want to have a live meeting so will need somthing like google hangouts. You can do video conf with slack, but i think its on paid plans…

Perhaps Google Docs could be used to gather a list of questions and notes from meetings (would require moderator(s)). After the meeting the answers/notes could be cleaned up and posted on the forum/mailing list.

Why not use this forum for Q and A?

i’d for sure enjoy doing this

Hey all, happy to participate in whatever discussion format you decide on. A chapter every two weeks seems like a reasonable pace.


Sure; I mean if we want to discuss all those questions in a live meeting it can be quite messy to have them scattered across many different posts, but if that works for others I’m in.

New to the community, I hope I can enjoy this Club as well. :slight_smile:

Sure; I mean if we want to discuss all those questions in a live meeting

That’s a good point. Maybe we should delay on answering the questions until the live meeting in order to make things more… lively. If the questions are posted here ahead of time it sort of takes away from the fun on the live discussion as everyone will be focused on reading the answers!

Thank’s Zach, you’re participation will go a long way to helping everyone else.

Count me in. If only to keep Zach honest. :wink:

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:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Yes.

I am interested in participating.

I’m in, always need a little motivation to read more software books.

+1 post must be at least 20 characters

I’m also interested.

I read the chapter on Naming quite a long time ago (when it was pretty much the only chapter) and it was so insightful and well written. Will like to continue now that book is finished, and a little extra motivation is good.

Enough people have expressed interest in the club that we should move forward with it.

i’m going to create a quick survey (probably using google’s forms) just to get as much feedback as I can. From there hopefully we can get started within a week or two.

Replying to myself so other people get notified (i’m not sure if there is a better way with this format).

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I created a quick survey/sign up to collect information about who wants to attend the remote live book club meetings and how they should be run. https://goo.gl/forms/IGGgGonPCxslRnc72


Just filled out the survey. Looking forward to the group!