Introduce yourself!

I agree completely. I am really enjoying this language. Nice to hear from another long time common lisp hobby programmer!

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WoW! Thats a nice endeavour, good luck to you! :+1:

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My name is Chris Johnson Bidler. I’ve been writing software professionally for just about twenty years, mostly using Java to move medium-to-large data around with high standards for correctness and audibility in healthcare IT, retail, and fintech companies. I was first introduced to Clojure back in 2011 or so, when a small group of devs in the shop where I worked made a play to start using it in production. I took a look at what they were building and was immediately hooked.

My trajectory since that introduction has involved more Clojure, more Clojure evangelism (of mixed success; it turns out that not everyone wants to leave their comfort zone, even when their comfort zone is enterprise Java), and today I am CTO of a Centriq Technology, a startup that uses Clojure back to front, from Datomic as system-of-record all the way out to re-frame SPAs and Clojurescript-driven React Native mobile clients.

Centriq is a 100% distributed team, and that’s a good thing for me since I live in South Bend, Indiana, USA. It’s like a suburb of Chicago, but far to the east …no, farther than that …past the Central time/Eastern time boundary …so far that the “of Chicago” gets filed off and you end up with “a suburb”. :laughing:

When I’m not working, I love to cook, read, and work on teaching my daughter how to build robots (using Arduino, RPi, and eventually 3D printing for frames and limbs) and how to talk to those robots using Clojure. Poor kid, she’s going to find 99% of the programming out in the world to be the aesthetic equivalent of wearing plaid socks and checked pants together. I also try to give 2-3 meetup talks a year at venues like AWS Chicago, Chicago Serverless, and Hack Michiana (the local Code for America brigade) to step out of my comfort zone and to share some of what I have learned with the community.



I am Michael (from Germany). Clojure is the first programming language I really try to learn. convinced me that Lisp can do it. Now, I want to join your cult :grinning:



I’m Bill, from the SF Bay area.

I had spent many years doing Java, ~16+ so likely too many :slight_smile: when I became so frustrated with concurrency models in it that I started looking for something else. I started looking into Go, Scala, and Clojure. Clojure quickly won my heart, in a landslide.

Fast forward a few years, and I turned the career slowly but surely in the path I want. I’ve been doing Clojure professionally for over a year now and love it.

In my spare time I’m using Clojure for arcade-style 2D games.



I’m Peter, living in Stockholm, Sweden, where I work at a Clojure powered FinTech startup (

I’m rather a project manager than a coder, but I code for fun, and Clojure is fun! I am very new to functional and LISP stuff and Clojure is my first experience with it. You will probably see me ask very dumb questions now and then.

To support my own development workflow I forked off a promising VS Code extension and released Calva. It is my attempt to bring to VS Code some of that interactive programming that Emacs/Cider users enjoy. I should probably rewrite it in Clojurescript. Maybe someday…



My name is Matthias, and I live in Aarhus, Denmark, where I work at a local Clojure-based startup called Ingenium Golf.

I started my (hobbyist) programming journey with Perl, went on to Java, and from there branched out to try a bunch of different languages: Haskell, Coq, Scala and some others. My interest in Clojure started during that time as well, around Clojure 1.1. My first real programming job was iOS development with Objective-C, after which I had a year of IBM mainframe coding in PL/I. For the past 4-5 years I have been working full time with Clojure on the back-end and Javascript on the front-end. My side-projects are all Clojure-based, and have been since I discovered Clojure.

I’m mostly a lurker on forums such as these, but I thought I would introduce myself anyway. Maybe that will make me participate a bit more. :slight_smile:


Hi, my name is Alberto, I live near Barcelona, Spain.

I’ve been working with javascript (front, back, desktop, mobile) for the past 6 years. I really enjoyed to do some functional and reactive programming with the new tools available in Javascript, so I decided to dig more into functional programming, where I discovered Clojure and Lisp in general.

I am in the process of learning Clojure and ClojureScript now, while I keep up to date in javascript for day jobs. I have a terrible memory, don’t even remember how I got to these forums! The community looks great, so I hope to spend a good time reading&writing here :slight_smile:


Welcome Michael, welcome to the cult. :yum:

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The rewrite of Calva in ClojureScript has begun since a while. Just mentioning that. :smile: One of the reasons for the rewrite is to make it more fun to work with the development of the extension and through that hopefully get more people involved.

Hi everyone, my name is Oliver and I am a Haskell developer from Austria.

I love to work with functional programming languages and because of there is a lot of
Java stuff in my surroundings I looked into Clojure in more detail to interact with
all the Java libraries and I love it!

As I worked with Emacs and ELisp for about 6 years and know the functional paradigma
from Haskell, my way to Clojure was not as hard as for some other people comming from
imperative languages.

I would be glad to see more and more Clojure libraries in established Java projects
because it’s so much fun to program in Clojure and it gives you many language elements
(lazy evaluation, immutable data structures, concurrency, …) which are all very
important in real world projects these days.


My name is Matt. I am an academic researcher coming to Clojure by way of Java, mostly for NLP. I haven’t done much functional programming before, but I’ve wanted to learn a Lisp for a while. Clojure gives me an excuse to play around while still ostensibly working :slight_smile:


Welcome, Matt! Great to have another NLP’er here in Clojure! That’s one of my primary areas of work, too.

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I’ve posted and benefited from Clojureverse for a while, so I suppose I should finally get around to introduction. I’m Tory, and I’m a web application developer for Brigham Young University’s Humanities department, as well as a pursuing a PhD in Computer Science while I’m here. As an undergrad I was introduced to emacs by a professor, and I switched to Linux because emacs works better that way. The same professor got me established on a grad-school track where, during a summer internship, my AI work continued with a government agency, where the AI was programmed in Common Lisp. I took that opportunity to make the jump to Lisp for my graduate coursework, electing to make Clojure my primary language after years of Java, Perl, Javascript, and PHP. I have never looked back (although I have to spend some amount of time still maintaining old, pain-inducing PHP codebases). Aside from fairly straight-forward Web Applications, I wield Clojure as I pursue my research in narrative, including artificial intelligence, language processing, discourse analysis, and transmedia.

I’m at, and am also active on Twitter.

In 2018 I am mastering mathematical applications and data visualization with d3js.


Hi, I am Wanderson Ferreira and I work for Captalys a financial company in Brazil. I’m a heavy Emacs user since 2016 and I started to look with more care to Clojure recently. I am right now studying the language and practicing in small projects by myself, but I want to achieve a very good level of knowledge until the end of this year.

I’m a Machine Learning Engineer, but I am also changing my focus to pure software development. Hope I can share some thoughts here at the forum!


Hi, I am Andres, from Colombia.
I am a professional Java Developer, right now I am working with the programmatic advertisement. I am starting with Clojure and I am loving it so far. I’ve been doing some generative art with quil and experimenting with games, Tic Tac Toe, minesweeper… .

My idea is to start contributing with opensource projects and probably creating some kind of library that has to do with generative art.

(repeatedly #(rand-nth [
["your journey towards Clojure"
 "Wanted to learn lisp after Paul Graham's essays, found Clojure was a lisp, gave it a try and never looked back"]

["the things you’re working on"
 "Currently working on a testing tool focused on simulation testing called Mimic"]
["where you’re from or where you live"
 "Sweden, Norway"]

["you elsewhere on the web (home page, Twitter or Github account)"
 {:homepage ""
  :github ""}]

["how people can support you"
 "Wouldn't mind a couple of volunteers to try out Mimic"]
[ "any particular hobbies or interests"
 "Writing the perfect program"]

["anything else you like to share"
 "<a href=''>Below The Asteroids</a> is still good for getting into the Zone more than ten years later"]

Hi All!

My name is Thomas Spellman. I live in the western foothills of the California Sierra Mountains. I’ve been programming in Clojure for a few years now after having coded professionally since 2003 (

I’m currently using Clojure and Datomic to build the backend to a water quality data management system for citizen-driven watershed monitoring projects ( ). If you’re into this kind of project, we’d love your help (volunteer for now)! We’ll eventually be able to pay but for now we’re a mostly free-time project.

I really like the language and am happy to have had a few professional opportunities to use it. I like that its basic syntax is extremely simple yet is capable of elegant and concise extension to exactly fit the needs of the project, and am inspired by the wonderful thought and care that’s been put into its design and evolution. I’m consistently inspired and impressed by many people in the community.

I’m also a quasi-pro musician, having played bass and lead guitar on 6 tours with 3 different bands in the western US in the past year, and am looking forward to doing my own first solo tour within the next year or so. Here’s a rough draft of an album I recorded in two days in my home studio:

Thank you for inviting us to introduce ourselves! I really like this community and it’s a pleasure to get to be a part of it.



Hello all, It’s great to find a community of Clojure engineers. I’ve been programming Clojure for the last 5 years. I’m currently working on a Startup and I’m trying to build a team of engineers to work on Carbon sustainability using ML/DL. Looking forward to working with this community.


@jclavijo Very interested in this, could you tell me more about the project? You can reach me at val.vvalval at