Our online meetup will take place today at 17:00 GMT+3 in Zoom. You can connect either via browser or with the Zoom desktop client. The link to the Zoom meeting is https://zoom.us/j/94638416194
The pre-recorded presentations will be published today at 12:00 GMT+3. We will stream the presentations in the online meetup. You can discuss and ask questions during the streamed presentations and also after the presentations.
The schedule today:
17:00 GMT+3 Introduction
17:15 Yrjö Kari-Koskinen: Janitor – Story of a Clojure devops swiss army knife evolution
17:45 Q&A
18:00 Heimo Laukkanen & Arttu Kaipiainen: Developing yet another webchat product for a media company with Clojure and Clojurescript
18:30 Q&A