Introduce yourself!

i think it is really really cool that you are using clj for helping out 漫画家! also, really looking forward to see your project go online soon! will this become anything like ?

Hi. I’m totally new to Clojure. I’ve bought Clojure for the Brave and True and Programming Clojure (3rd ed) but have only skimmed through them so far.

I’ve been aware of Lisp(s) for several years, but never got around to using any as language of choice for anything. (I use C, Perl and ARM assembly code — about as far from Clojure as one can get… :slight_smile: I’m not a fan of Java or C++, but I’m already convinced that Clojure is great.

I drink lots of coffee and tea.


like, but for manga & illustration
and I prefer “just a tool” than “yet another platform”

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Hi everyone. My name is Brjánn. I’m a psychologist and researcher at a Swedish university. I’ve been involved tons of clinical studies of internet-delivered psychological treatment for different mental health and medical conditions (it’s quite effective!) and have developed my own research platform for studying these treatments. I started writing it in PHP in 2006 and it has been used by dozens of research projects and more than 10,000 study participants. But by 2016 it had become slow, a bit unstable and was not mobile friendly. So it needed a complete overhaul and the task felt daunting. But then a friend of mine showed me Clojure - and I quickly decided to abandon PHP in favor of Clojure. I decided to do a step-by-step rewrite and gradually replace PHP with Clojure code. It took me 1.5 year (not full time) to write the first version where study patients would login to the “Clojure part” of the platform while study administrators login to the “PHP part” of the platform. It has been in production since then and I have continued to move discrete pieces of logic from PHP to Clojure, and the last few months I’ve actually managed to get PHP to communicate with Clojure through nREPL so that run-time logic needed by PHP can be handled by Clojure. Amazing!

I completely love Clojure! When reading through my old PHP code I find it difficult to understand that OOP and mutability ever felt like reasonable ways of programming. I don’t know any Java and have struggled quite a bit whenever I have had to do any Java interop.

Coffe, black, strong. 1 cup in the morning and 1 after lunch.



my name is Tim, I live in germany. I’m a Software Developer and Trainer.
My clojure-journey began just recently, I am working with Javascript and Java professionally.
I began programming in Java, but the unnecessary complexity and verbosity led me to development with node and therefore Javascript.

Due to my current job I had to pick Java up again, this time with the Spring Framework. Spring tries to hide the complexity of programming in Java by introducing a bunch of annotations for ORM, serialization etc.
Since then “programming” means finding the right annoation for what you want to do, adding that Annotation and then pray, that this annotation plays nicely with every other annotation that is used in the context. You encounter a bug? Bug fixing now means google your way through stack overflow until you find some configuration of some annotation, which makes it work.

This frustration led me to avoid Java whenever possible, and to think about alternatives. I got hooked by clojure after listening to the “Simple made easy” talk by Rich Hickey (and many other excellent talks by other clojurians).

I am interested in ideas and concepts about programming and software. Even though it is unlikely, that I will be able to use clojure professionally soon, I think that it is a very good tool to think with, even if the result of that thinking manifests itself in a different programming language.

Coffee, black


I can totally relate about Java annotations, I hate them with a passion, and could spend all day complaining about them.

Welcome to Clojure!

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welcome to clj!

first, most of what you said makes a lot of sense to me.

having said that… i strongly wanna object to:

look… there may be some people out there “programming” like this… BUT!!! that does not mean that this is how one is supposed to work!

personally i really don’t think it is fair to claim that one has to “pray” for… oh lets say JPA annotations to work correctly,… not if you know what you are doing!

also… i think that one area where clj clearly trumps java is the overall quality of S.O. / web-forum / etc. posts / q&a etc. ( … i feel like people doing clj are much better informed / more serious about programming, on average, than people doing java… but that is just my personal opinion… and i could be mistaken… )… anyway… what i am trying to say is that even if the overall quality of posts on / about clj on S.O. seam to be decent / commendable… one is still NOT!!! supposed to blindly copy-paste random stuff taken from the web into her programs… hoping / praying for things to somehow work out…

…also… perhaps a final remark on JPA… i too feel like many people get confused… so i always urge them to ask: do i really need full-fledged spring-jpa… or would spring-jdbc-data-access suffice?.. also if you really feel like you need to go with jpa… make sure you have at least one person on your team whom you can trust to really know JPA inside and out… and have her do code-reviews for the jpa-parts from the very get go of the project… ( there used to be a ridiculously hard oracle JPA exam… if you could find / hire someone who has actually managed to pass that exam… a certified JPA expert… that’d be great :smile:… then this person could prevent quickly-googled-S.O.-fly-by-night-nonsense-code-fragments to wreak havoc in your code-base :smile: … )

p.s. yeah i know that it is almost impossible to come by such expert java programmers in germany… since we really do have a serious “fachkräftemangel”, but that’s really the crux / “casus knaxus” of the entire argument,… in my opinion… in other words, in my view, the quality of the programmer is much more important / relevant, than the choice of any particular programming language… ( in this video i talk about some of those ideas in a bit more detail: )

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Hello all - Crispin Bennett here hailing from the beautiful Northern Rivers region of NSW, Australia. I have a somewhat anomalous software ‘career’ in that I came to it professionally pretty late in life (though did programming in other roles & for interest many years before that), and in that I alternate it with other types of work (for reasons not of particular interest here). I consider myself a programming journeyman more than ‘engineer’ (and think ‘engineering’ a laughably inflationary term for 99% of what goes on in the name of software development, but that’s another story …). Programming is a pretty small part of my life really, so to fill things out I’d have to write too much about sailing, music, running, literature, philosophy, XR, etc etc.

Reason for learning Clojure? I became a bit jaded with dev last year after a few unsatisfying contracts and decided to take a break from the field for a bit to do some other things. I decided I was ready to get back to it by mid March or so and … COVID- 19 hit, there’s no work around at least amongst my contacts, so I find myself with time on my hands to learn something new. So Clojure it is.

I’ve never learned any lisps (I didn’t do a CS degree) but was intrigued after dipping into SICP, and Clojure seemed like a practical variant to try out. I’m primarily looking to refresh my interest in coding, and secondarily I have a few side projects in mind. They all require front (web) and back ends. Using the same language for both is appealing, especially for one-person projects. And doing this without having to be mired in javascript/node would be a bonus.


In principle, you’re right. But Spring Boot makes it so easy to get started (& has such a shiny corporate rep), that managers often find it irresistible (regardless of objections from their team).

I have several times found myself having to work on java codebases where I don’t really know what’s going on, I’m not motivated to learn (because it’s a huge topic, there’s no-one else around who knows any more, it’s not somethingI want to specialise in, and this particular contract or task is short). So ‘programming’ becomes an ad hoc cycle of trial-and-error. It’s deeply unsatisfying, demotivating, and produce fragile results.

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wow… really didn’t see that coming!.. very insightful!,… very honest! LOVE IT!!!

p.s. also:

Programming is a pretty small part of my life really, so to fill things out I’d have to write too much about sailing, music, running, literature, philosophy, XR, etc etc.


p.p.s. great having you!

tks clojure !

xingzhe (行者) from china.

现在我们公司有10个同事都是clojure的真实使用者. 非常感谢 Rich Hickey 与 其他非常好的库作者.

例如 midje ring compojure reitit regent … 谢谢


Thanks for the warm welcome :vulcan_salute:

Hi everyone. I’m Jim. I’m an assistant professor at an Engineering school in Paris (France). Before entering academia, I worked as a software developer in the field of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) primarily as a Lisp programmer.

I haven’t really used Clojure before, but I was introduced to the JVM though Scala, which I’ve been using for a couple of years now. I was introduced to Clojure some years ago with Rich Hickey’s presentation at the 2009 International Lisp Conference, and his presentation at a Boston Lisp meeting.

My initial experiments with Clojure will be to re-implement some Common Lisp libraries in Clojure. I’m looking forward to learning a lot and making a lot of mistakes.


Hi, I’m an engineer by trade but never really used my coding skills in real life. I live in NYC after a very long stay in Asia. I like to learn coding by myself. I started with basic and assembly a long time ago, in the 80’s. I now catch up and learned Javascript, Python and try to use Common Lisp on Emacs for four years. The learning curve on Emacs is so steep I always fell off track. So, I’ll see if Clojure is fitter to my self taught approach.
I love coffee and tea (I thought a tea cup has 50% the caffeine of a coffee cup), especially Chinese, Taiwan and Japanese teas. Stay safe and keep learning.


Hi, I am Mourjo. I am from India. I work as a Software Engineer at Helpshift. I have been programming in Clojure for four years now. Love the language and the people in the community!


Hi! My name is Luiz Borba, I’m from Brazil and I’ve have been coding with Clojure since 2017.


now… there is a reason for why i did not comment on this sooner… and that is that people keep telling me, that my taste in art is terrible :smile:

…having said that… this morning, something reminded me of this your post… and of some of your wife’s paintings… and so… and while looking again at some of her work… coming across this beauty:

i just thought… hopelessly unqualified or not… this just deserves / requires some praise… so there you go :smile:

Oh thanks! If being married to an artist has taught me anything it’s that nobody can claim that they know anything about what good taste in art means. I’ve stopped even saying “this is good” when I’m at galleries with her. It’s so subjective. Glad you like it!

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I think this may be a tautology :wink:

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Hi All!

My name is Michal. I live in Bratislava, Slovakia. I’ve been programming professionally since 2005. I’ve spent years with various programming languages (notably C, Java and Javascript) and in various roles (developer, ops, architect, team lead). Couple years ago I’ve decided to switch my career to management. I am currently leading software development in top sport betting company in Slovakia.

Clojure caught my eye two years ago. Despite I am not a Clojure professional yet, I’ve found the joy of programming again. It was a difficult task for me, I feel like a beginner again, but I’ve realized how much I missed that feeling. :wink: After studying the documentation and writing a few toy programs, I’ve been searching for some real-world project, I can develop in Clojure. I’ve created clj-salt-api as my first Clojure project.

I am impressed by how can we design and solve same problem with Clojure in different way. For me this the purpose for learning new programming language. Not to solve the problem same way with a different syntax, but to think how can we build software that is more efficient, simpler to develop, to maintain and to understand (for everyone including beginners).

And not to forget, I am also a coffee drinker :wink: